Duration of a horse kiss | Horse Kiss

Duration of a horse kiss

How long the healing phase of the contusion lasts depends on the extent of the injury. The more pronounced the horse kiss was, the longer the complete healing takes. In addition, the healing time depends on how carefully the sports break and healing support measures are carried out.

It is completely natural that the color of the bruise changes within a few days: This is related to the breakdown of the red blood substance, hemoglobin. If regeneration is rapid without further stress and regular follow-up care is provided, the horse kiss should heal within two to three weeks. Visible bruising may have disappeared prematurely despite continued pain. Even then, a break from sport should be observed.

Localization of the horse kiss

The thigh is often affected by a horse kiss, as it is often affected by injuries caused by kicks or impacts during contact sports. The thigh musculature is large and laterally reinforced by a sinewy plate which stretches it and thus makes it less flexible for violent impacts. This high sensitivity often results in large-area bruises that can spread over the entire side.

An injury to the thighs is very painful, especially when moving the hip, as this causes additional tension in the tendon plate, the tractus iliotibialis. After an injury, one should refrain from sports activities; at the beginning even running can be painful. If blunt force is applied to the calf, bruises with bruising can also occur.

This is a typical injury in soccer. There is swelling of the affected area and calf pain. Especially the stretching of the calf is painful.

Here too, the steps of the PECH rule should be followed: Sport break, first cooling, compression and elevation of the limb. If necessary, pain-relieving medication can be taken, less recommended are strongly blood-thinning painkillers such as ASS. Violent kicks, bumps or falls can also cause a horse to kiss the joints.

One of the most common injuries is a knee bruise. Blood vessels and lymphatic channels are squeezed and torn apart; fluid leaks out. This leads to knee swelling; possibly a joint effusion forms in the knee, which can cause severe pain when mobilized.

The joint should not be loaded; even walking can lead to severe pain. As with all bruises, the patient is first cooled, a compression bandage is applied and the leg is elevated. This reduces the blood flow in the joint and less blood and lymph fluid escape from the injured vessels into the surrounding tissue.

Since knee joint injuries are very painful, painkillers can be taken as needed. There are a number of other injuries that can lead to knee pain, such as ligament injury in the knee joint. The doctor can make the diagnosis by taking a careful anamnesis. It is especially important to describe in detail the situation that triggered the injury, i.e. the force applied from outside or the movement that led to the pain.