Duration of adductor distortion | Adductor strain

Duration of adductor distortion

How long an adductor distortion lasts varies individually and depends on various factors. These include, on the one hand, the severity of the injury, i.e. the degree of overstretching, and on the other hand, personal characteristics such as age and development of the adductor muscles. A slight adductor strain can be healed after only a few days.

Depending on the severity of the injury, the duration can extend to several weeks. As a rule, however, the symptoms of adductor strain should not last longer than 3 weeks. If this is the case, a renewed examination by a doctor should be carried out if necessary to rule out more serious, previously unrecognised injuries.

The duration of the healing process is, of course, always largely dependent on whether the person affected adheres to the treatment plan. Patience is the top priority. Until freedom from pain has been achieved, it makes no sense to start physiotherapy.

However, if freedom from pain has been achieved, this does not mean that the adductors are 100% resilient again. On the contrary, even then the adductors must be gradually restored to full strength. Too early loading often throws the affected person back enormously and the pain is again as bad as at the immediate time of the strain.

The time at which immediate measures are taken also has a relevant influence on the duration of healing. If an adductor strain is treated according to the PECH rule immediately after the strain, the healing process can be positively influenced. Otherwise, recovery may be delayed.

Duration of the sports break

A statement about the duration of the sports break after an adductor strain cannot be generalized, but is individually variable. Among other things, it depends on how severe the adductor strain was. After a slight adductor strain, it is possible to resume sport after a few weeks, if the pain is gone after only 3 days.

Nevertheless, the strain should be started slowly so that the adductors are not immediately stressed 100% again. A severe adductor strain may, however, make a sports break of several weeks necessary. Depending on how well those affected adhere to the prescribed therapeutic measures and how the healing process develops accordingly, a break from sport of up to one month may be indicated.

In general, regardless of the severity of the pain, a sports break must be taken until the pain has completely disappeared. A return to sport is only recommended when the pain is completely gone. Early exercise increases the risk of a new and even more serious adductor strain.

There is also the risk of a chronicity of the complaints. Conversely, this would mean that a break from sport of up to six months would be necessary to give the adductors sufficient time for complete recovery. Ultimately, however, an exact time specification is both at the discretion of the treating physician or physiotherapist and in the personal responsibility of the person concerned.