Duration of back pain | Pain in the back

Duration of back pain

Although the symptoms of back pain can often be treated, there is a high risk that it will reoccur at some point.For example, a lumbago is usually over after 1-2 weeks, but can often return – especially without preventive measures. A slipped disc is also associated with frequent recurrences. With autoimmune diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, the aim of therapy is to delay the progression of the disease, as there is currently no cure.

Therefore, these diseases can cause recurrent symptoms. A M. Scheuermann disease can be treated well if the therapy is carried out early and adequately and then usually does not lead to a reduction in quality of life or performance. Even osteoporosis can only be reduced and not cured by therapy.

The time required to heal a vertebral body fracture depends on the fracture itself. If it is an uncomplicated fracture, the bone is usually solid again within weeks to a few months. In more complicated cases, healing can be delayed for several months.

Back pain – different localizations

Unilateral back pain is often caused by incorrect loading and the resulting one-sided tension. Shingles (herpes zoster) can occur on one side of the back. Before the typical skin symptoms with blisters and redness appear, pain in this area can occur days before.

In addition, diseases of the right internal organs such as the right kidney, gallbladder, liver, right intestine, right ureter, right fallopian tube or ovary can cause pain that radiates into the back. The kidney often causes severe pain, which is usually felt in the flank area. In this area the affected person is often very sensitive to pain.

Inflammations, cysts or stones in the kidney may be the cause. Kidney diseases can be accompanied by problems and pain when urinating, and the urine can also be bloody. Pain in the right shoulder – especially after eating – can indicate stones in the gall bladder.

Inflammation of the right ovary or ovary can rarely cause pain in the lower back. In addition, appendicitis can in rare cases lead to right back pain. Bilateral back pain can also be caused by tension of the back muscles.

Herniated discs, which occur particularly frequently in the lumbar spine, can also cause pain on both sides, often accompanied by tingling or numbness. Wear and tear of the spinal column joints can also lead to bilateral back pain. In men, prostate inflammation can cause pain in the lower back.

Since the prostate lies in the middle of the pelvis, the pain is then usually felt on both sides. Lower back pain is very common and can affect all age groups. In most cases, strong, shooting and sudden pain in the area of the lower back is a lumbago.

This is caused by tension in the musculature or by vertebral blockages. A herniated disc, which most frequently affects the lumbar spine, can trigger lower back pain with numbness. Vertebral fractures in the course of osteoporosis also occur frequently in the lower spine and can cause pain there.

The inflammatory-rheumatic disease M. Bekhterev is mainly associated with pain in the lower back. A narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis) can also cause pain in the lower back. Here, the pain can radiate into the legs.

Back pain usually increases when the back is bent backwards. Tension in the back muscles or lumbago in the thoracic spine can be accompanied by severe pain when breathing in. Often during a flu-like infection, in which the lungs are also infected, there is pain when breathing.

Pneumonia can also be accompanied by pain. On the one hand, this is due to overstraining of the muscles by coughing, on the other hand, it is caused by an accompanying inflammation of the lungs (pleuritis). This covers the chest from the inside and is very sensitive to pain.

If the inflammation of the pleura occurs, it is particularly painful when inhaled because the pleura is stretched. Accidents that cause bruises or even fractures of the back ribs or spine can also cause pain in the back when inhaled. A deformation of the spinal column, such as scoliosis, can also cause breathing difficulties.The chest is no longer flexible enough due to the deformation, which leads to a disturbed breathing mechanism.

Back pain while eating can have various causes, but most of them are not in the back. For one, a pain in the right shoulder during or after eating is a sign of gallstones. These occur particularly often after high-fat meals.

Furthermore, pain in the back while eating can be triggered by the so-called angina abdominalis. This is an arteriosclerosis of the arteries in the abdomen. Another possibility is an ulcer of the back wall of the stomach, which can also trigger pain during or after eating, which radiates into the back.

Another important differential diagnosis is angina pectoris caused by a partial occlusion of the coronary arteries. Angina pectoris is also known as a cardiac angina. It is a pain that can last from seconds to minutes and, in addition to chest pain, can also cause pain in the back, although it originates in the heart.

Breathlessness is also typical. Angina pectoris can occur after eating – especially after sumptuous meals. Since these complaints are based on serious illnesses, it is essential to consult a doctor so that an adequate therapy can be provided.

Chest pain, which can also be felt in the back, can be triggered by intercostal neuralgia. This is an irritation of the nerves that run under the ribs. It can be triggered by various causes.

These include spinal diseases but also herpes zoster. If the pain suddenly appears after physical exertion and is accompanied by shortness of breath, a heart attack (myocardial infarction) should also be ruled out. Especially if pre-existing conditions such as arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus and other diseases that increase the risk of heart attack are present, a heart attack should definitely be considered as a cause of the pain.

Another life-threatening cause of severe, sudden pain in the back and chest can be a so-called aortic dissection, in which the inner vessel wall of the aorta tears. Typically, this causes such severe pain that it is also known as pain of destruction. If they radiate into the back, they are usually felt between the shoulder blades.

This clinical picture also requires urgent therapy. Tensions in the back can increase when lying down, especially when lying on the spot that is painful, for example. On the other hand, pain when lying down can also indicate injuries to the bones, which should be considered especially after accidents.

If the pain occurs mainly at night and is actually independent of position, a Bekhterev’s disease should also be considered. This is especially the case if the pain occurs repeatedly and is accompanied by other complaints such as morning stiffness, tiredness, weight loss and fever. Blockages or tensions in the muscles in the area of the cervical spine or even the shoulder muscles can be noticeable through pain when swallowing.

A herniated disc in the cervical spine can also become noticeable through pain in the cervical area when swallowing. A spasm of the esophagus can be triggered by swallowing as well as spontaneously. The cramp-like pain can radiate into the back. In rare cases, a tumor in the esophagus can be the cause of upper back pain.