Duration of bad breath | Bad breath during pregnancy

Duration of bad breath

In general, every bad breath is defeatable in the long run. It is different, how long the bad breath lasts with concerning. In most cases, the cause is poor oral hygiene.

As soon as the affected person has undergone a professional tooth cleaning and subsequently carries out their own daily and extensive oral hygiene, the bad breath disappears after only a few days. However, if it persists despite good oral hygiene, i.e. brushing teeth, cleaning the interdental spaces and tongues twice a day for at least 2-3 minutes, a dentist should be consulted. The reason for bad breath is often something else.

In general, it is recommended to see a doctor if the bad breath has not disappeared 1-2 weeks after the start of very good oral hygiene. If the breath smells of acetone or ammonia, a doctor must be consulted immediately. If the bad breath is related to pregnancy, it often subsides after birth. However, the dentist should also treat the causal inflammation of the gums and make sure that the bacteria do not have such an easy job.

Can bad breath be a sign of pregnancy?

Bad breath alone cannot be a sign of pregnancy. However, in case of pregnancy, bad breath can be accompanied by a number of other symptoms. These include morning sickness, absence of periods, frequent urination, abdominal cramps, fatigue, or a feeling of warmth in the forearms, hands or feet described as unpleasant. Bad breath, however, plays a minor role as a sign of pregnancy.