Duration of healing | Torn capsule at ankle joint

Duration of healing

The duration of the healing process can vary and is difficult to estimate. The extent of the injury can vary greatly and thus influence the symptoms, the therapy and the duration of healing. A rupture of the capsule can be a very protracted clinical picture, as the healing of the connective tissue progresses only slowly and the full mobility of the joint can often only be achieved again after months.

A slight capsule tear can be painless within a few days. However, a complex rupture of the joint capsule can cause pain for weeks. A complete healing can often only be spoken of after 2-3 months.

Bone involvement can further prolong the disease. Surgical therapies often have to be carried out, resulting in a lengthy rehabilitation. In rare cases, the capsule tear can be the basis for chronic complaints and diseases of the joint.

Duration of incapacity to work

The duration of the incapacity to work depends on the personal condition and the restriction at work caused by the injury. In most cases, a sick leave of 1-2 weeks is initially prescribed to complete the acute treatment and reduce the pain. It should also be possible to cope with everyday life despite the injury to the ankle joint.

Office work can often be resumed after these two weeks, since the work is not restricted by the injury. Pronounced pain can, however, be a preventative factor. In many cases, physical work must be paused significantly longer.

The activity should only be resumed when there is no pain and unrestricted movement and professional practice. Sick leave can initially be issued by a physician without salary restrictions for 6 weeks. In some cases, physically demanding jobs require reintegration measures, in which work is slowly increased again after the injury.

What can be the late effects?

Capsule ruptures can be very protracted despite conservative or surgical therapy. In the end, however, complete freedom from pain and unrestricted joint function are very likely. In many patients, restrictions in extension and flexion movements in the ankle joint can still occur over a long period of time.

Consistent physiotherapy can prevent movement restrictions during the healing phase. The rupture of the capsule can cause unnoticed damage to the bones and cartilage of the joint. These often do not cause any complaints and can cause wear and tear of the joint for years.

Thus, after many years, arthrosis due to a rupture of the capsule can become painfully noticeable in the ankle joint. Arthrosis is a typical and chronic late consequence of joint injuries.