Duration of healing | Virus exanthema

Duration of healing

The rash starts a few hours to days after infection. The duration of the rash can also be very variable, ranging from a few hours in the case of three-day fever to a week in the case of ringworm. As long as the exanthema is still present, it is assumed that the infection has not completely subsided. After successful healing of the viral disease there is a lifelong immunity e.g. with measles, a repeated occurrence of the virus exanthema by these pathogens is then no longer possible.

Risk of infection

A viral exanthema is not contagious in itself, but the underlying disease is. However, the time of infectiousness is by no means always associated with the first appearance of the viral exanthema. Measles and rubella are already infectious 5-7 days before the visible skin rash; in the case of rubella, for example, the risk of infection ends with the appearance of the viral exanthema. Therefore one should pay attention with appropriate illnesses straight with small children to prevent the close contact with other babies or infants, in addition, adults, in order to prevent an infection.