Duration of inflammation of tendons in the shin bone | Tendon inflammation in the shin bone

Duration of inflammation of tendons in the shin bone

Tendinitis is a disease that usually takes a long time to heal. Nevertheless, the chances of recovery are usually very good. Normally, healing can be expected to take between 2 weeks with mild courses of up to 4 months with pronounced inflammatory processes.

Long courses are often caused by inconsistent protection of the tendon or underlying diseases or tendon injuries. Other factors significantly influence the duration until complete freedom from symptoms. Continued strain on the tendon can significantly prolong the healing time.

Even if the therapy measures are initiated late, more time can pass until complete freedom from symptoms. If the tendon inflammation has not improved even after several months, a doctor should be consulted again to check whether the therapy can be adjusted. In general, it is important not to start sports too early in the case of tendonitis.

For many injuries, it is said nowadays that immobilization is rather not the method of choice. But for tendonitis it is exactly that. Immobilization can be achieved with bandages as well as with special splints and should take place over several weeks.Especially at night, when the tendon has time to recover, a splint or a bandage should be worn so that you do not prevent the healing process by adopting a bent position.

If one begins to load the inflamed tendon too early, the complaints become stronger again and again and a vicious circle begins. Thus the sport moves into still further distance. Instead of strenuous exercises that ignore the inflammation, one should gently restore the mobility of the joints and slowly strengthen the surrounding and affected muscle groups.

In addition, phases of stretching and warm-up exercises before training should be strictly adhered to. The tendons must gradually get used to the higher load and in between there should always be breaks in which the affected area can recover. In addition, the correct equipment for the type of sport you are doing must be observed.

Bandages or tapes can also be helpful here to provide stability and security. It is especially important that the inflammation does not become chronic and that you have a feeling for your body. In this way you will feel which movements are already possible and which ones you should rather wait with for some time.