Duration of inner wrist pain | Pain in the inner wrist

Duration of inner wrist pain

Inflammations, like tendinitis de Quervain, rheumatoid arthritis or an inflammation of other genesis, show besides pain the classical signs of inflammation: Reddening, overheating, swelling, pain and a loss of function or movement in the area of the affected structures. If arthrosis in the thumb saddle joint is the cause of the pain in the inner wrist and thumb, the affected persons usually suffer from severe pain in the wrist during turning and grasping movements. The thumb is less mobile, painful under pressure, and as the disease progresses, the sufferer typically develops a loss of strength and a feeling of instability in the thumb saddle joint.

A fracture in the area of the carpal bones is typically accompanied by severe swelling, pressure pain and a pronounced restriction of hand movement. Swelling is a common accompanying symptom of pain in the inner wrist. It is an accumulation of water in the tissue that is clearly visible and palpable.

Depending on the cause of the pain and the localization of the focus, the swelling can be spread over the hand to varying degrees. The swelling of the wrist can be an indication of diseases of the hand. You can find out which diseases could be present here: Swollen wrists

Treatment of pain in the inner wrist

If an inflammation is responsible for the pain in the wrist, such as tendinitis de Quervain, the inflammation is first treated with immobilization and anti-inflammatory painkillers. Ointments, such as Voltaren, are often applied directly to the affected areas. If the symptoms do not improve, cortisone injections can be used to eliminate the inflammation.

If conservative therapy is unsuccessful, a minor surgical intervention can be performed. If rhizarthrosis in the thumb saddle joint is the cause of the symptoms, the disease is initially treated conservatively. One tries to stabilize the hand, for example with a bandage.

In addition, painkillers from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are recommended, which relieve the pain and counteract inflammation. In acute arthritis, treatment with cortisone may be indicated. Furthermore, occupational therapy and electrotherapy can alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

In advanced stages, surgery may be advisable. Depending on the severity and complexity of the fracture, a scaphoid fracture is treated either conservatively with painkillers and immobilization or surgically. Tape can be used to fix the wrist in pain.

In the case of pain in the inner wrist and in the area of the thumb saddle joint, tape is very well suited to stabilize the painful structures according to individual needs. First of all, the use of Kinesio-Tape should be demonstrated by an experienced physiotherapist. If you have a long-term problem with your wrist, you can apply the tape yourself as the problem progresses.

After your physiotherapist has shown you the process of taping, you can also do the taping by yourself with the help of the explanations of the therapist and the following article. A wrist bandage is used for various diseases that are associated with pain in the inner wrist. In the case of carpal tunnel syndrome or rhizarthrosis, a bandage can stabilize and immobilize the hand and thus relieve the symptoms. In the case of acute inflammation of the tendon sheaths, a wrist bandage can also be used for a short time to immobilize the hand. You can find the main page of the wrist support with further important information at Wrist Bandage