Duration of irritation of the appendix


Appendicitis is an acute irritation of the appendix and can cause severe symptoms within a very short time. Appendicitis is divided into two forms, the simple and the destructive (disintegrating) form of appendicitis. A simple appendicitis initially leads to inflamed appendix tissue. However, the inflammation can regress spontaneously. This is therefore referred to as irritation.

Stages of irritation of the appendix

This is also called the “catarrhal stage”. If the irritation of the appendix does not recede, the seropurulent stage follows, in which the inflammation is very pronounced and ulcerative. The destructive stage is ultimately life-threatening, as a dangerous intestinal rupture can occur. The destructive stage of an appendicitis is often simply called appendicitis.

Duration of the entire illness

A simple irritation of the appendix usually lasts only a few hours to a maximum of one day. If the inflammation becomes more severe and does not subside, the seropurulent stage develops, which can last from 24 to 48 hours. If left untreated, a destructive appendicitis follows, which becomes life-threatening after 48 hours of total disease duration.

An appendicitis does not have to proceed in the classical way. This means that an appendicitis may last for several days. Occasionally an appendix irritation is chronic and causes symptoms several times a year or even permanently.

Duration of symptoms

In the case of a simple irritation of the appendix, the symptoms usually last for only a few hours to a day. Sometimes an appendix irritation even lasts for several days. If this is the case, symptoms are felt over the entire period.

Severe abdominal pain can occur throughout the entire duration of the disease. Similarly, accompanying symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting can last for up to 24 hours or several days. Often the temperature rises slightly during the course of the illness. In rare cases, an irritation of the appendix can become chronic and cause repeated or permanent pain.

Duration of sick leave

In the case of appendicitis, the duration of the sick leave depends on the duration of the illness. Often a simple irritation of the appendix is self-limiting. Most family doctors write the affected person sick for at least two days.

As there is a risk of appendicitis in the case of an irritation of the appendix, patients are usually called back the next day. If a serious appendicitis develops that requires surgical treatment, the patients are admitted to the hospital and are usually put on sick leave for another week after the operation. The duration of the sick leave therefore depends on the course of the appendicitis and complications.

Duration of medication intake

Mild to moderate appendicitis is often treated with antibiotics. Depending on the antibiotic, the medication is taken for between 3 and 10 days. However, simple appendicitis is often self-limiting and does not require treatment.