Duration of pain in case of bursitis | Duration of bursitis

Duration of pain in case of bursitis

The duration of the pain of bursitis depends on the severity and location of the inflammation. In acute bursitis, the pain can be very severe and sudden. With care and the right treatment, the pain usually subsides after a few days. The doctor will prescribe pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medication that will help quickly and alleviate the symptoms. After one to two months at the latest, even severe inflammation should have subsided completely and the pain should have disappeared.

Duration until you can do sports again

In the case of acute bursitis, it is absolutely necessary to pause sport in order to spare the affected joint and the inflamed bursa. This is especially true for particularly intensive sports where the inflamed bursa is excessively irritated, e.g. tennis for an inflamed bursa in the shoulder. In order to avoid complications and scarring of the bursa, sporting activities must be paused until the symptoms have disappeared and the patient no longer feels any pain.

In most cases, this takes three to four weeks. Light movement such as walking, stretching or strengthening exercises help to mobilise the joint again and can be exercised as long as the pain is not too severe.