Duration of pubic pain during pregnancy | Pain in the pubic bone during pregnancy

Duration of pubic pain during pregnancy

The duration of pubic pain during pregnancy can vary, as the pain can occur at different times during pregnancy. Many pregnant women notice the pain from about halfway through the pregnancy or only in the last third of the pregnancy. Sometimes, however, pubic bone pain can also occur in the first three months. Likewise, the pain may persist for a few weeks after the birth. However, they usually disappear completely within one to two months after the birth.

Prognosis of pubic pain during pregnancy

The prognosis of pubic pain during pregnancy is usually very good. If symptoms occur, further stress on the pubic bones should be avoided if possible in order not to further increase the pain.Physiotherapy and the wearing of support straps may be necessary to relieve the pain. After the birth, in most cases, the symptoms disappear completely after a few weeks.

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