Duration of side effects of citalopram | Side effects of Citalopram

Duration of side effects of citalopram

The duration of the side effects caused by taking citalopram may vary. On the one hand, it often depends on the dose taken and the nature of the symptoms. On the other hand there are also differences from patient to patient.

One of the most common side effects is nausea. It usually occurs very quickly after the first dose of citalopram. First of all it should be waited to see if the body regulates this itself.

If the nausea persists and does not go away even after reducing the dose, you should switch to another drug. Other side effects such as dry mouth, headaches, increased sweating and palpitations also occur directly. Once the body has become accustomed to the medication, these symptoms disappear after a few days.

Citalopram therapy often leads to a reduction in libido and other sexual disorders. These occur after several weeks and disappear in most patients after a period of several days to weeks of habituation. In some patients, however, this side effect may persist.

Special side effects

In the following, some important side effects are specifically mentioned. Nausea is one of the most common complaints (20-30%) when treated with antidepressants such as citalopram. As a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, it blocks the transporters for reabsorption of serotonin into the cell.

As a result, an increased concentration of serotonin is produced to which the body initially reacts with side effects. Finally, the excess supply of the messenger substance leads to many changes at the cellular level. The strong increase in the serotonin concentration initially leads to an imbalance in the body.

As a result, patients can suffer to varying degrees from nausea to vomiting. The nausea can then occur daily and also last for a longer period of time. The extent of the nausea often varies greatly from patient to patient and also depends on the dose taken.

In many cases the body has to get used to the new serotonin concentration. This can also take different lengths of time and therefore the nausea can also occur for as long as this takes. If the nausea is very strong and daily, the patient can also consult his treating physician regarding an additional medication against the side effect.

After the phase of habituation, the complaints usually disappear by themselves. New complaints can occur again if the dose of citalopram is changed. The nausea may return both when the dose is decreased and when it is increased.

Erectile dysfunction is also one of the side effects typical of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Shortly after starting therapy with citalopram, changes in sexual function may occur. Many patients report a significant decrease in sexual desire.

Furthermore, disturbances in the sensation of feeling can also occur. Some patients may even experience erection failure or difficulty maintaining an erection. The symptoms can also be accompanied by a general dulling of the feelings.

These side effects can be very distressing. This is especially the case in a partnership, as it is often associated with a lot of shame. In some cases, an improvement is self-evident.

In others the symptoms may remain, even if the dose of citalopram is lower. Impotence symptoms after discontinuation are also known to persist for months or years. Another common side effect of citalopram is a weight loss of several kilograms.

Many patients experience a significant reduction in appetite at the start of therapy. They have less appetite for food and therefore lose weight. This effect can be particularly pronounced if the patient also suffers from other side effects such as fatigue, tiredness, vomiting and diarrhoea.

This can also cause the affected persons to lose weight. The greatest weight loss occurs in the first weeks to months after starting treatment with citalopram. After that, patients usually do not lose any further weight, as the body gets used to it and readjusts itself.

Patients who are generally very slim and show considerable weight loss or who lose weight permanently and unintentionally should speak to their doctor again. Besides many side effects that affect the gastrointestinal tract or even the mood, citalopram can also have a considerable effect on the heart. As a result, the heartbeat is usually fast and irregular, which can develop into cardiac arrhythmia.

The patient may develop various other symptoms such as palpitations, low blood pressure, or fainting. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between the frequency and severity of heart rhythm disturbances in relation to the dose ingested. The higher the dose, the more discomfort there was.

Ventricular fibrillation is particularly dangerous. For example, sudden cardiac death has been reported when taking citalopram or related medications. Therefore a maximum dose of 40mg is given to young patients.

As older persons may also have a fundamental heart disease, a maximum dose of 20mg is prescribed. Patients who are prescribed citalopram for the first time should therefore be informed about the side effects such as ‘heart stumbling’. In case of symptoms such as heart stumbling, shortness of breath or others, she should therefore consult her doctor.