Duration of swelling | Swelling after a mosquito bite

Duration of swelling

Usually the swelling after a mosquito bite is only of short duration. After about three to four days such a bite has healed. Only by scratching or an increased immune reaction (inflammation, infection, allergy) can the swelling be prolonged. However, even under these circumstances it should disappear after about a week.

Associated symptoms

In addition to the swelling, a mosquito bite typically causes itching. Mostly the bite is also slightly reddened, more rarely overheated. If the mosquito bite is also infected, these symptoms can become worse.

An allergy also leads to a more pronounced development of these symptoms. If the mosquito also transmits pathogens, a generalized immune reaction of the body occurs. This usually manifests itself through: If this infection leads to blood poisoning, the circulation can also be affected, which manifests itself in dizziness or even fainting spells.

In the worst case, even individual organs can be attacked, which can lead to life-threatening conditions. However, this is extremely rare.

  • Fever,
  • Rarely also chills,
  • Indisposition and
  • Headaches

When should I go to the doctor because of the swelling?

If the swelling after a mosquito bite indicates a more serious disease, a doctor should be consulted. For example, if the swelling is so large that the function of the affected body part is limited, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Even if the sting becomes infected and, for example, the first signs of blood poisoning or the transmission of dangerous pathogens appear (fever, chills, general feeling of weakness), you should still see a doctor.