Duration of symptoms | I recognize appendicitis in my child by these symptoms

Duration of symptoms

No general statement can be made about how long the symptoms of appendicitis last. There are also different courses. In the case of a severe inflammation of the appendix, abdominal pain becomes increasingly severe within a few hours to a few days.

The symptoms then usually subside only after the therapy, which usually consists of surgical removal of the appendix. In some cases, however, in the case of a mild appendicitis or irritation, it is possible to first observe how the symptoms develop. Sometimes these symptoms subside significantly by the next day and disappear completely within the next few days without requiring surgery. In exceptional cases, appendicitis is also successfully treated with antibiotics. However, if the symptoms persist or even increase even further after waiting or after an attempted antibiotic therapy, surgical removal of the inflamed appendix must usually be performed.

What is appendicitis in children?

One speaks of an appendicitis when the symptoms of appendicitis are mild. However, it is not a medically clearly defined term. If symptoms such as abdominal pain in the right lower abdomen as well as accompanying complaints are present, but are not so severe that they require immediate action, the doctor often classifies them as appendicitis.

One observes in the course of the treatment whether there is a decrease of the symptoms. If these symptoms remain the same or even increase further, appendicitis can be assumed and usually a surgical therapy is necessary. The symptoms of an appendicitis in children therefore correspond to those of an appendicitis, but in a lighter form.

In most cases, abdominal pain is the most obvious symptom. These usually first appear diffusely in the middle or upper abdomen and then migrate to the right lower abdomen within a few hours. In addition, there may be complaints such as nausea and vomiting, constipation, fever or diarrhoea. In addition, a change in behavior is often noticeable in the child. This may consist, for example, in the child being remarkably quiet and no longer wanting to run around or play.Supplementary information:

  • Irritation of the appendix – symptoms, causes, therapy
  • Duration of an appendicitis