Duration of tendon inflammation in the arm | Tendinitis in the arm

Duration of tendon inflammation in the arm

The length of time that an inflammation of the tendon in the arm takes to heal depends on the severity and extent of the inflammation, as well as on the treatment measures. Thus, consistent and quickly initiated cooling and immobilization is conducive to faster recovery. Stressful movements should be completely avoided for the duration of the complaints.

Gentle treatment leads to a faster healing of the inflammatory processes of the tendon. If all measures are followed, an improvement in symptoms can be expected after about one week. If the inflammation is severe and immobilization does not work, treatment may be necessary for 3-4 weeks or longer.

Tendinitis in the shoulder

In the area of the shoulder and shoulder girdle, there is a multitude of muscles that are anchored to the humerus and shoulder by corresponding tendons. The tendons can become inflamed by excessive friction, especially after performing heavy work, but also after unusual movements, and can lead to pulling and burning pain in the shoulder. Initially, the pain is only triggered by a corresponding shoulder movement.

In the case of advanced and severe inflammation, pain may occur even at rest. Inflammation of the tendons in the shoulder occurs frequently. This is due to the large number of muscles in the shoulder region (see Shoulder Muscles), but also to the heavy strain of everyday movements.

Every movement of the upper arm is ultimately controlled by muscles in the shoulder.In addition to the pain in the shoulder, it can also lead to impaired movement. The treatment of tendon inflammation in the shoulder should be done by cooling with ice packs and protecting the shoulder. Complete immobilization should not be performed because of the risk of stiffening of the shoulder joint.

In addition, anti-inflammatory medication in the form of gels, ointments or tablets can be taken. With sufficient protection, tendon inflammation of the shoulder joint can be healed after a few days. In severe cases, however, a period of 2-3 weeks may pass before improvement occurs.