Duration of the foreign body sensation | Foreign body sensation in the eye

Duration of the foreign body sensation

In case of a foreign body sensation in the eye, there are no exactly defined times, how long it takes or when one should go to the doctor. If the sensation persists without further symptoms, an ophthalmologist should examine the eye after several days to be on the safe side. If further symptoms, such as vision problems, occur, an ophthalmologist should be consulted as soon as possible, since some diseases can cause a loss of vision in one eye.

What can I do if the feeling does not go away?

If you have a foreign body sensation in your eye, you should first take a close look at your eye. Are there any redness or foreign bodies such as eyelashes that irritate the eye? Seen alone, a foreign body sensation is rather harmless.

Flushing the eye with water or sleeping when overtired to rest the eyes could help. If the sensation remains for several days or if other symptoms such as redness, pain, vision problems or even nausea and vomiting occur, a doctor should be contacted quickly.