Duration of the muscle fiber rupture on the thigh | Torn muscle fiber of the thigh

Duration of the muscle fiber rupture on the thigh

The duration of a torn muscle fibre in the thigh depends on the severity of the injury as well as the course of the healing process. With all muscle fiber ruptures, sufficient protection of the musculature is essential and often leads to a diminished relief of the pain in case of conscientious illness. Above all, various precautions should be taken immediately after the injury to limit the damage.

These include above all cooling the affected muscle area. By cooling the tissue, the formation of bruises is reduced, which has a positive influence on the future healing process. Also, the injured muscle does not swell as much, which has an influence on the sensation of pain.

Even though the duration can vary greatly and vary from person to person, a healing process of 3 to 12 weeks is usually assumed. Due to the size of the thigh muscle and the strain it is subjected to in almost every everyday movement, this duration seems very long. However, it must be taken into account that just such a muscle needs a particularly long time to heal to its old performance level.

The healing time does not include deterioration of the condition caused by too early return to physical activity. The exact duration of immobilization and the sports break should always be determined by a sports physician and checked in the course of the treatment. In order to keep the body fit, leg-independent training can be done.

However, it is important to ensure that the thighs are constantly relieved. Exercises for the arms and shoulders can be performed under certain circumstances, whereas complex back exercises, chest and abdominal muscle training often also put some kind of strain on the thighs. Therefore, the latter should definitely be avoided so that the healing phase is not unnecessarily prolonged.

A torn muscle fiber in the thigh is not uncommon, especially in athletes. A fast sprint, a jerky movement or a too short warm-up during the cold winter months can quickly lead to a torn muscle fiber in the thigh. This is not only associated with pain, but also requires a longer break from sports, because the torn muscle fibre damages small parts of the muscle, which have to reorganise themselves again to be fully functional again.

The length of the break after a torn muscle fiber in the thigh depends entirely on the severity of the tear. Very small muscle fiber ruptures are sometimes not noticed at all, so no break is necessary. However, if pain occurs due to a torn muscle fiber in the thigh, it should be cured with a break of about 3-12 weeks.

How long the break is exactly should be clarified by a doctor, preferably a specially trained sports physician. This break should be strictly adhered to, but can often be shortened somewhat with the help of tapes (see above). However, it is also important not to end the break after a torn muscle fibre in the thigh yourself, but always consult the doctor treating you first. If you start training too early, the muscle has not yet healed adequately and it is easier for new ruptures of the muscle fibers to occur, which are then again associated with a longer break.