Duration of urticaria | Urticaria

Duration of urticaria

The duration of the disease is very variable and unpredictable. A distinction must be made between an acute and a chronic form. About half of the patients have an acute form.

This can subside within a few days to weeks or last for several months. After a maximum of 6 months, the disease subsides of its own accord. The rash can change over this period.

The individual hives recede after a few days, but new ones are always formed. The rash can wander around until it disappears after weeks or months. In about half of the patients a chronic form of the rash occurs.

This can last up to 5-10 years. Particularly frequent are forms of hives, which are caused by physical, uncontrollable stimuli or as a result of chronic intestinal infections. The symptoms of chronic hives are often not as pronounced as in the acute form. Despite the long course of the disease, in almost all cases hives is cured spontaneously over time, whether chronic or acute.

Hives in children

Hives in children is not a rare disease. Above all, an acute form is typical. The hives occurs here only for a few days or a few weeks.Afterwards it heals completely by itself.

In many cases, the causes are infections and viral diseases. The typical viral diseases that are experienced in childhood trigger acute hives in addition to flu-like infections, pharyngitis or middle ear infections. Newly recognized allergies can also cause hives.

Allergies to food or even drug allergies are often the triggers of hives. Physical triggers are rather rare in young people. The treatment is mostly done with home remedies.

Antihistamines can also be used. As a rule, the hives subside of its own accord in a very short time. In children, special care must be taken to ensure that the hives are not scratched. Skin injuries with bleeding are always associated with the risk of secondary infections, especially in children, who have a lower hygienic awareness than adults.