Duration | Pain in the buttock during pregnancy


The duration depends on the cause of the pain in the buttock during pregnancy. In most cases, the pain is due to slight strains of the muscle, sore muscles or small tears in the muscle fibres. The muscle needs time to regenerate.

Often the pain disappears within 3-5 days. However, the more severe the injury and damage to the muscle is, the longer it takes to heal. In case of tears of larger muscle parts, the healing time is a few weeks to months.

In case of complaints of the nerves in the buttocks, hips or back, the duration depends on the success of the treatment. Often the pain can be explained by hormonal changes in the woman. With birth and the end of pregnancy, this pain should also decrease.

If not, a therapy should be continued or intensified. If the nerve can be relieved, the pain can subside within a few days. Otherwise, they can become chronic and persist for months. Back pain can also become chronic, which means that it can last longer than 6 months.