Duration | Pain in the ribs when coughing


Depending on the cause of the discomfort, rib pain can be acute or chronic. A broken rib needs time to heal and therefore the rib pain can last from four to six weeks. If complications occur, the duration of the discomfort can be prolonged. In the case of pleurisy, the decisive factor for the duration is how quickly and successfully the inflammation is treated. Rapid, targeted treatment has a positive effect on the duration and prognosis.


The most common cause of rib pain when coughing is a broken rib, which is usually harmless and heals without complications. If several ribs and the pleura are affected, this can cause complications such as a pneumothorax, also called air chest. Without therapy, such a condition can be life-threatening.

The course of the disease in pleurisy is determined by the severity, cause and treatment. In young patients, pleurisy usually has a very good prognosis. In older and immunocompromised patients, adhesions of the pleura can develop, which can permanently restrict breathing.

Early treatment usually has a positive effect on the prognosis. Basically, rib pain when coughing can lead to avoidance of deep breathing due to the simultaneous occurrence of pain when breathing in and out deeply. This results in the risk of pneumonia, especially in older and immunocompromised patients.