Duration | Pimples in the vagina


The duration of the pus pimples in the vagina and the associated complaints depend on the cause, the immune system of the person affected and individual factors. If a causal allergy is present, the symptoms usually regress as soon as the allergens are avoided. Normally, an uncomplicated course lasts from a few days to a week. If there is a weakened immune system, another underlying disease or unfavorable circumstances, the healing process can take a few weeks or months. If the acne is inverse, it will continue if it is not treated.

Pimples during pregnancy

In the female body, pregnancy leads to a hormonal change. The body produces more progesterone and estrogen. This can have all kinds of effects.

An increased oestrogen level can have a positive effect on the vaginal flora and maintain a healthy, acid vaginal pH. This creates a certain protection against vaginal inflammation. In addition, the altered hormone balance can also provoke increased sebum production.

An excess of sebum promotes the development of pus pimples. Theoretically, these pus pimples can manifest themselves in any part of the body, including the vagina. The tendency to increased sebum formation and the development of pus pimples can occur in the first weeks of pregnancy as well as increasingly from the 20th week of pregnancy.

As a rule, the sebum production returns to normal after the birth. In case of uncertainties a doctor should be consulted. In many cases, non-drug measures are sufficient to alleviate the symptoms. Depending on the cause, the doctor will decide which treatment is appropriate based on the benefit-benefit ratio. In the treatment of skin symptoms, retinoids, hormone preparations, alcohol, yamy root capsules, benzoyl peroxide and tetracyclines should be avoided.

Pus pimples between vagina and anus

Pus pimples can theoretically also develop between the vagina and anus, due to the above-mentioned causes. Here it is important not to be ashamed and in case of uncertainties it is better to consult a doctor instead of conducting “wild” self-experiments. The healing process can be difficult and long due to the localization.

It is important to find out the cause or basic problem. It is also essential that an adequate differential diagnosis is carried out. The affected person can support the identification of the cause and thus the acceleration of the healing process by providing the doctor with adequate information.

It should be borne in mind that the doctor is bound by professional secrecy. The treatment depends on the cause.