Duration | Ringel rubella in adults


After infection, the first symptoms usually appear after 4-14 days. These, especially the rash, begin to subside and disappear after 5-8 days. In most cases, the disease has been overcome, but in rare cases the symptoms may reappear months later.

If joint pain occurs, it usually lasts 3-4 weeks. After this time they disappear by themselves without any therapy. In very rare cases, they can persist.

In people with severe immune deficiencies, the disease can also last longer or have longer consequences. In most cases, the disease is not diagnosed until the rash appears. At this point, the person with the disease is no longer contagious, so a sick note is no longer absolutely necessary.

The duration of the sick leave depends on the stage of the disease. In the early stages, before the onset of a rash, there is still a risk of infection. In this case, sick leave should be taken for a few days to reduce the risk of infection for others.

After the rash has set in, there is usually no longer any risk of infection. In this case, depending on the symptoms, sick leave can be taken for a few days up to a week. If the symptoms persist, this may have to be extended.

Since no rash often occurs in adults, if there is uncertainty about the risk of infection, a sick note for a few days should be issued as a precaution. Especially in physically demanding jobs, a sick note for 3-5 days is nevertheless often indicated to give the disease time to be cured completely. In addition, the personal condition of the sick person should be taken into account regardless of the profession.

This can vary greatly from case to case. In case of feeling ill and weak, a sick note should also be written. Since the symptoms can vary greatly, it is best to seek specific advice from your family doctor.