Duration | Swollen vocal cords


The duration of swollen vocal cords is highly dependent on the cooperation of the affected person during the treatment. Those who consistently take care of their voice and body should not suffer from a changed voice for longer than about a week. The cold symptoms of a viral infection of the airways should also improve during this time.

If those affected do not take care of their voice, the regeneration period is prolonged and chronic damage can be caused. A long-lasting inflammation can lead to scarred remodelling processes and thus permanently impair the ability of the vocal folds to vibrate. Therefore, any perceived hoarseness should be clarified by a doctor – preferably an ear, nose and throat doctor – after seven days at the latest. If so-called scream nodules (vocal fold nodules) have formed on the vocal cords due to incorrect loading of the vocal folds, it can take up to weeks before they subside. In individual cases, however, surgical removal may be necessary.


Swollen vocal chords are mainly treated by sparing them. For the affected person this means: to speak as little as possible and not to strain the vocal chords further unnecessarily. In the ideal case that contains with smokers additionally a abstinence from smoking.

But no speaking does not mean whispering instead. Whispering worsens the swelling of the vocal fold, since this pitch is most straining for the vocal chords. With a viral infection a physical protection is meaningful to the measures already described, in order not to weaken the immune system still further.

To alleviate symptoms such as hoarseness, decongestant and anti-inflammatory drugs can be given, which, depending on the preparation, can also have a pain-relieving effect. Antibiotics are not indicated in the case of a viral infection, as they only work against bacteria but not against viruses. Local measures such as inhalation with common salt can be taken as required.

The aim of therapy for swollen vocal chords is to control the swelling well. In the worst case, the swelling can lead to obstruction of the airways, which can result in rapidly increasing shortness of breath. It is important to prevent this emergency by trying to keep the airways clear in the event of abnormal breathing sounds or difficulty in breathing. Therefore, every person affected should be informed about this possible complication and in an emergency should not be afraid to call an ambulance or go directly to a hospital. If the cause of swollen vocal cords is due to incorrect loading of the voice-forming structures, the therapy consists of voice and breathing exercises by a speech therapist.