Dyslexia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dyslexia is a disorder in which affected patients have difficulty reading and understanding information they read. Accordingly, dyslexia primarily represents a reading disorder. On the other hand, the affected persons do not show any disorders of the sense of sight or hearing. In some cases, dyslexia occurs together with dyslexia.

What is dyslexia?

Basically, in the context of dyslexia, the ability to read is impaired. According to estimates, dyslexia occurs in approximately 5 to 15 percent of people. In your expression and its severity, however, dyslexia differs in individual cases, sometimes significantly. In many cases, dyslexia appears for the first time within the first years of school. The cause of dyslexia is often found in genetic components. In some patients, however, the disorder develops as a result of a stroke or traumatic brain injury. Dyslexia must be distinguished from alexia, in which patients are unable to read at all. Due to dyslexia, affected individuals read relatively slowly or confuse the letters of words in their order.


Dyslexia develops due to various causes, so that in individual cases the disorder shows similar symptoms but is due to different factors. Observations indicate that dyslexia runs in families. For this reason, there are suspicions that the disease is passed on hereditarily to the offspring. Research studies have identified mutations on the sixth chromosome that appear to be involved in the genesis of the disease. In principle, a distinction must be made between congenital and acquired dyslexia with regard to the causes of the disease. Individuals with congenital dyslexia show lower activity in some brain areas than healthy individuals. Patients have difficulty combining letters in the correct order to form a word. In the majority of cases, this form of dyslexia is diagnosed at elementary school age, as this is when the impaired reading ability first becomes clearly apparent. The situation is different with acquired dyslexia, which occurs with far greater frequency than the congenital form. In this case, damage has occurred in certain areas of the brain as a result of a stroke or other factors. The areas that play an important role in reading ability are also damaged. Acquired dyslexia often occurs together with a language disorder and other impairments. This is because, in most cases, it is not only the areas of the brain responsible for reading that are injured as a result of the damaging effects.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

The complaints and signs of the disease of dyslexia are relatively clear and in numerous cases comparatively easy to diagnose. Affected patients suffer from difficulties in reading, which are manifested, for example, in mixing up the order of letters. In addition, those suffering from dyslexia find it difficult to understand the words they read and to grasp the message of texts.


Dyslexia, whether acquired or congenital, should always be diagnosed by an appropriate physician. Self-diagnosis is discouraged, but a suspicion of the presence of the disease is a valid reason to see a doctor immediately. Especially in children, a quick diagnosis of dyslexia is recommended. This is because the disease may lead to anxiety or psychological disorders if the child does not meet the requirements at school for too long. The pediatrician is often the first point of contact for parents or guardians when dyslexia is suspected. At the beginning of the diagnosis, the physician takes a medical history, primarily questioning the child, but also the adult accompanying persons. During this patient interview, the focus is on the individual signs of dyslexia, the child’s development and learning behavior. In addition, a family history is necessary, since dyslexia occurs more frequently in families. If other family members already suffer from the disease, the suspicion of dyslexia is strengthened. Finally, several examinations are used to confirm the diagnosis of dyslexia.For example, an electroencephalogram is made in which electrodes are attached to the patient’s skin. In this way, it is possible to measure brain waves. Furthermore, changes in the structure of the brain or disturbances in its function can be detected by means of this examination procedure. In addition, patients undergo an intelligence test to rule out low IQ. A dyslexia test is used to test reading ability. The patient reads a text aloud and then reproduces its content in his or her own words. Together with the other test results, a diagnosis is thus possible.


Dyslexia is the lack of ability of people to read, understand or write down words or coherent sentences and texts. This can be attributed to a lack of writing and reading training or even impairments and injuries to the brain. Researchers even suspect a genetic disposition for dyslexia. In this country, dyslexia is by definition more serious than what is subsumed under dyslexia, or reading and spelling disability. However, there is a smooth transition between these phenomena. In the English-speaking world, however, dyslexia and dyslexia are subsumed under one and the same generic term dyslexia. Cognitively and brain physiologically, reading and writing are always interdependent. Therefore, a neurologist or speech therapist cannot accurately decide that either only reading or only writing is impaired. A neurologist or a neurological clinic is responsible for a more precise diagnosis. But German teachers could also give informative hints in advance. If dyslexia is a consequence of brain diseases or head injuries, a neurological report should be prepared by the specialist. This is the basis for further treatment. The aim should be to establish the best possible reading and writing competence. If dyslexia is not treated or not treated in time, it can lead to social exclusion or professional disadvantages. Treatment and therapy of dyslexia is the responsibility of speech therapists as well as clinical linguists who test, train and improve reading and writing skills.

When should you see a doctor?

Consultation with a physician should occur as soon as there are noticeable difficulties in reading or recognizing letters. If there are problems with understanding text or deciphering the meaning of individual words read, it is advisable to have these signs clarified by a doctor. If letters cannot be put in the correct order when reading, it is advisable to see a doctor and seek help. Children who are clearly behind their peers in their learning development of reading should be examined more closely by a doctor. The sooner the symptoms are clarified, the sooner individual and targeted therapies can be developed as well as applied. Individuals who have already built up anxiety or show changes in personality are well advised to establish contact with a doctor or therapist as soon as possible. If emotional and mental problems are already present, there is a need for action. If there is social withdrawal, irritability or aggressive behavior, medical assistance is needed. Inner restlessness, concentration problems or attention disorders should also be investigated and medically clarified. If people lose the ability to read during the course of their lives, there is reason for concern. Medically, the phenomenon is considered unusual and is often associated with a medical condition that should be treated.

Treatment and therapy

Timely diagnosis and treatment of dyslexia are of great benefit to the individual patient, especially in children. The goal is to educate teachers and classmates about the disorder so that the child patient faces less social pressure. It is always important to show understanding for the person with the illness and to encourage his or her motivation to learn. In this way, further mental illness or social exclusion of the child can be successfully avoided in many cases.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis of dyslexia depends very much on its cause.While the English term “dyslexia” can be used for reading/spelling disorder in childhood, the German term dyslexia usually refers to the manifestation as a result of irreversible damage to the brain and other neurological tissues. Since these injuries and damages usually cannot return to their previous healthy state once they have experienced damage, acquired dyslexia also does not resolve. If the underlying triggering condition progresses further, as may be the case with a brain tumor, for example, then dyslexia may also worsen or become a permanent condition if it has previously been intermittent and temporary. However, in the case of accidents or injuries to the brain that occurred some time ago, reading should be practiced regularly despite acquired dyslexia. Consistent practice can partially restore certain formerly existing skills, so that affected individuals could learn to read again, at least partially. The likelihood of learning to read depends on the cause and severity of the brain damage that initially led to the dyslexia. An accurate prognosis can be given by the neurologist caring for the patient, because it depends on the individual patient’s history and previous physical development after the brain damage.


Prevention of dyslexia is hardly practical according to current knowledge.


In dyslexia, the options for follow-up care are severely limited. In this case, a comprehensive diagnosis must first be made with subsequent treatment to limit and treat the symptoms of dyslexia. However, a very early diagnosis in childhood is necessary in order to avoid complaints or other complications in adulthood. The earlier the treatment is initiated, the better the further course of the disease usually is. The life expectancy of the patient is not negatively affected by dyslexia. First and foremost, the parents and relatives of the affected child must also be fully informed about the disease in order to act correctly and to treat it properly in their own homes. The parents must motivate the child to learn and reward successes properly. Only through comprehensive and intensive therapy can the symptoms of dyslexia be permanently alleviated. Classmates should also be informed about the disease so that bullying or teasing does not occur. The loving and intensive support of one’s own family and friends can also alleviate the discomfort in the process.

Here’s what you can do yourself

Dyslexia requires on the part of affected persons and their environment different measures, which depend on the exact form of the reading weakness. In addition, positive development can be better worked with and in children than in adults or people with acquired dyslexia. For people who have acquired dyslexia over time through inadequate writing and reading training, exercises (with someone to clarify progress and errors) can be used to work at home to acquire near average reading comprehension. This should be seen as complementary to speech therapy interventions. Children with reading and writing problems can have a hurdle removed by having dyslexia lose its impact on school grades. By removing reading and writing performance as a factor, pressure can be taken off children. However, therapy for dyslexia should still be provided. This can be supported by games that promote conceptual understanding. Anything that combines pictures, concepts and play can be considered here. Resulting psychological suffering, which can arise in children from the feeling of being supposedly stupid, can be alleviated with relaxation techniques (autogenic training) or finding activities in which the child is good. Adults with dyslexia should always be aware that there are many people in their situation. Local support groups can be found in many cities.