Earache: Causes, Treatment & Help

Earaches are mostly severe painful irritations around the ear. This includes the inner ear, middle ear, pinna and also the outer areas of the ear. Most often, injuries, infections and inflammations are the cause of ear pain.

What are earaches?

Earaches can come in different forms and intensities. There are stabbing, pressing, unilateral and bilateral earaches. Earache is a collective term for all forms of pain around the ear. This includes the inner ear, the middle ear, as well as the outer ear. In addition, pain around the auricle is also counted as ear pain. The outer ear includes the auditory canal and the auditory canal bones. If swelling or inflammation occurs here, ear pain may result. In the middle ear, on the other hand, pus is more likely to form due to inflammation. If the pus does not drain properly, strong pressure can occur, which can also cause pain. Earache can occur in different forms and intensities. There are stabbing, pressing, unilateral and bilateral earaches. Sometimes they come on slowly, but sometimes quite suddenly. Pain can also occur when chewing or when pressure is exerted by glasses on the nerves of the head and temple. Furthermore, ear pain is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness. Less commonly, blood may also flow from the ear. Painkillers can help against earache only to a limited extent. A visit to a doctor is advisable.


The causes of ear pain are manifold. However, the most common causes are inflammation of the outer part of the ear (ear canal) and the middle ear. For the latter case, the middle ear infection in the context of a cold is commonly known. This illness, triggered by bacteria, occurs mostly in younger children between the ages of three and seven. Another typical cause is so-called otitis externa, which is an infection of the skin of the ear canal. In this case, infection with bacteria occurs as a result of excessive cleaning with cotton swabs. Penetrating dirty water can also trigger this bacterial infection. A list of other causes of earache now follows:

  • Closure of the ear canal due to earwax or dirt.
  • Tonsillitis or angina tonsillaris
  • Pinched nerves in the area of the ear (for example, due to tight-fitting glasses).
  • Diseased teeth or jaws
  • Strong durck change (eg, when flying, mountain climbing, driving in the mountains and diving, explosion or blows).

Diseases with this symptom

  • Sinusitis
  • Common cold
  • Angina tonsillaris
  • Otitis media
  • Tonsillitis
  • Shingles
  • Tympanic membrane injuries
  • Erysipelas
  • Allergy


Earaches usually pass without major complications. However, if the complaints are based on a serious underlying disease such as otitis media, sometimes the entire auditory canal and, in the further course, the meninges can become inflamed. In addition to paralysis of the facial nerves and meningitis, serious brain abscesses are among the possible complications of a severe course. In rare cases, the bacteria migrate to the inner ear and trigger a so-called toxic labyrinthitis with tinnitus, dizziness and balance disorders. Finally, complete hearing loss may occur. If a disease in the jaw and tooth area is the cause, an inflammation can occur if it is not treated; an abscess in the mouth and throat area poses even more risks. Complications rarely occur during treatment. Apart from drug intolerance or complications during surgery, home remedies such as ear swabs or ear rinses may pose risks, especially if they are used without consulting a doctor. To avoid complications, any treatment steps should first be discussed with the responsible physician.Risk-free treatment of ear pain is possible in most cases after clarification of the underlying condition.

When should you see a doctor?

The utmost caution should be exercised when dealing with ear pain, as there are a variety of complications associated with this condition. In most cases, earaches are due to an infection caused by bacteria inside the ear. Affected person can resort to some home remedies or their own medicine cabinet at the first signs. However, if there is no significant improvement after one or two days, a visit to the doctor is strongly recommended. Whether the own family doctor is visited or an ear specialist is absolutely no matter, as long as it is a middle ear infection. A doctor will prescribe appropriate medication to the affected person, which will effectively and quickly combat the earache. However, if such treatment is omitted, then there is a risk of dangerous and significant complications. The infection may spread throughout the body, causing further discomfort. These include a general feeling of malaise, headaches, an elevated temperature or even chills. So if you want to avoid the symptoms mentioned above, you should see a doctor early on. Even at the first signs of earache, early treatment can be beneficial. In this way, the inflammation is inhibited from the beginning, so that the infection can not spread further.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of earache should always be performed by a physician or otolaryngologist. First, the doctor will ask the patient about his pain. Then, he will examine the pinna and ear canal more closely. If necessary, an ear examination (otoscopy) may also be necessary. Hearing loss and blockages of the ear can be examined by the ENT physician with a tube function test. Hearing tests are also useful for further diagnosis. If the cause is still unclear, an x-ray can also provide further insight. Likewise, blood tests and swabs of the inner ear walls can provide further insight into the cause of the earache. Depending on the cause, treatment is then initiated. If the ears are inflamed, anti-inflammatory ointments are an option. If the infection is far advanced, antibiotics may also be prescribed. Ear drops are mostly used in the course of a middle ear infection, which are both anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Sometimes the eardrum must also be incised to drain the pus that has formed. Earwax and foreign bodies are removed by the ENT doctor using medical instruments. If the eardrum is injured, it usually heals by itself in one to two weeks. However, if complications arise, an artificial eardrum can be surgically implanted. If the earache is only a concomitant of various other underlying diseases, these should be treated primarily.

Outlook and prognosis

In many cases, earaches can be treated relatively well and therefore need not result in a diminished quality of life. They often occur as an accompanying symptom during a cold or the flu and usually disappear even when the patient is completely well. No direct treatment is necessary for these temporary earaches. Here, the ear must be given warmth and rest to regenerate. However, if the earache is prolonged or occurs after an accident, it is imperative to consult a doctor. In the worst case, there is a severe inflammation in the ear. This inflammation can have a negative effect on hearing, so that hearing loss can also occur. The earache may also indicate an injury to the eardrum. It is not uncommon for the ear pain to occur when the patient has pain in the head or teeth. In these cases, the ear pain cannot be treated directly, but will disappear with treatment of the triggering pain. A middle ear infection can be cured relatively well and usually does not lead to further discomfort or complications. In most cases, however, earaches are temporary and disappear again after a short time.

What you can do yourself

Persistent ear pain requires in any case a medical clarification.Acute discomfort, such as can occur when landing in an airplane or coming into contact with drafts, can be alleviated by regular, conscious swallowing, chewing gum or equalizing pressure. Accompanying nasal drops or sprays can be used. Earache caused by blocked ears can be reduced with baby oil or gentle jaw movements, for example, while pain resulting from a cold is most easily alleviated by bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids. Accompanying this, various home remedies and measures can reduce the discomfort. As a first aid measure, a warm compress with honey or chopped onions applied directly behind the ear is recommended. Alternatively, other warm or hot applications such as ear steam, warmed oil or chamomile infusions can be used. For acute pain, a cold poultice or Prießnitz poultice on the ear is recommended, which can be combined with healing clay or herbal tea at the beginning of the inflammation. In addition, the ears should be protected from cold, wetness or drafts so that any inflammation can heal quickly. To prevent earaches from occurring in the first place, the immune system should be strengthened by a vitamin-rich and balanced diet.