Earache: What to Do?

The treatment of ear pain always depends on the cause of the pain. In any case, to avoid permanent damage to the ear, you should see a doctor early if you have an earache. Since earaches are caused by bacteria in most cases, they are often treated with antibiotics. These are dripped directly into the ear so that they can fight the bacteria at their site of action. Pain-relieving ear drops may also be used in addition to antibiotics.

Treat earaches properly

If the earache is caused by inflammation of the auricle, the inflammation is treated externally with ointments or creams. If the ear canal is blocked by a foreign body or an earwax plug, it must be removed by a doctor. An earwax plug can either be flushed out or sucked out with a suction device. In some cases, however, external treatment with ear drops or ointments is not sufficient: In the case of a middle ear infection, for example, it may be necessary to open the eardrum so that the pus can drain out of the middle ear. Usually, injuries to the eardrum heal on their own within two weeks, but external splinting of the eardrum can help the healing process. If a hole in the eardrum does not heal within two months, surgery can be performed to insert an artificial eardrum.

Home remedies for earache: not always suitable

Earache can be treated well not only with medication, but also with home remedies. However, with all home remedies, you should note that not every application is helpful for all causes. Before using home remedies, you should therefore always consult with the attending physician. Because if earaches are not treated at all or are treated incorrectly, this can have – depending on the cause – serious consequences, such as a long-term loss of hearing, facial paralysis or meningitis.

4 Home remedies for earache

We have compiled some well-known home remedies for treating earache for you here:

  • Cut an onion into small pieces, place them in a handkerchief and slowly crush the onion until the handkerchief is soaked with juice. Then place the handkerchief on the diseased ear for half an hour. Alternatively, you can wrap hot mashed potatoes in a handkerchief and place on the aching ear.
  • Chop parsley into small pieces, put them in a cloth and place it on the diseased ear. There you should leave the parsley for at least half an hour.
  • Irradiate the aching ear with red light: the distance to the ear should be at least 50 centimeters and the irradiation should take place over a period of 10 minutes. If there is inflammation of the ear canal, this home remedy should not be used, however, because the ear must be cooled in this case.
  • Mix fresh mustard flour with a little warm water to a paste and spread it on a cloth. Place the cloth behind the aching ear for about 15 minutes. Such a poultice should be used no more than once a day and removed immediately if the skin burns.

5 Facts about earache – tung256

Prevent earache

Earaches cannot be prevented, but with a few tips and tricks, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing earaches. To prevent earaches, proper care of the ear is especially crucial. It is important that you do not use cotton swabs to clean the ears, as this way either removes too much protective earwax or compresses it into a hard plug. Likewise, do not clean the ear with hard or pointed objects, as these can cause injury to the ear. Since the ear canal usually cleans itself, it is sufficient to gently clean the pinna with a damp cloth.

Protecting the ears from irritation and germs.

If you go swimming often, you should wear a swimming cap or earplugs to protect your ears. This is because the skin of the ear canal becomes irritated by the chlorine in bath water. In addition, water in the ears allows bacteria to penetrate more quickly. Therefore, you should carefully pat your ears dry with a soft cloth after showering or swimming.If you use earplugs as noise protection, you should take care not to press the plugs too firmly into the ear and to change the plugs regularly. Otherwise, germs can multiply on the plugs and get into your ear the next time you wear them.

Avoid earache on the plane

If you are exposed to major changes in air pressure, such as when flying or diving, decongestant nasal sprays can help equalize pressure in the ear. Chewing gum, conscious swallowing, and exhaling against your held nose can also be helpful. If you have a severe cold, it is better not to fly or dive.