Eccentric training

The term eccentric training refers to a certain way of working muscle activity. “Eccentric” means “from the origin” This is a muscle activity that absorbs or holds a weight or resistance and does not attract the weight. The muscles become longer with increasing tension.

If, for example, someone puts a box of water slowly on the floor, he works eccentrically. The muscles ensure that the crate does not simply fall to the floor under its own weight, but rather slow down the downward movement. An eccentric training impresses with its realistic motion sequences.

It imitates movements that occur in sports such as jogging, squash, tennis, badminton, soccer or even in everyday life. It imitates movements that occur in sports such as jogging, squash, tennis, badminton, soccer, or everyday life. Ground contact times and jumping power are optimally promoted in a way that a specific concentric training program cannot.

Many know the term “switching” from soccer. Here, the player has to stop suddenly from an initial forward movement and change to a backward movement or vice versa. At the moment of switching, eccentric muscle work is required. A sensible combination of eccentric and concentric muscle work represents the most effective training program in practice. Eccentric training is particularly helpful in the case of achillodynia and patellar tip syndrome.

Strengthening exercises

1st lungeThis exercise trains the front thigh muscles in an eccentric way. Stand upright, feet placed about shoulder width. The arms hang down the sides of the body.

Now take a lunge forward and slow down the movement. Change the leg and do the same with it. Depending on your constitution you can do the exercise dynamically or with an intermediate step and a break.

2. sitting or lyingYou can achieve an eccentric training of the lower abdominal muscles with this exercise. In the supine position, both legs are turned on. Now pull the legs towards the body with the help of your hands.

Stretch your legs towards the ceiling. Now let your legs slowly sink back to the floor and brake the movement with your abdominal muscles so that your legs sink very slowly. 3rd wall push-upThis workout is a gentle variation of the classic push-up and trains the shoulder muscles, chest muscles and triceps.

Stand in front of a wall at a distance of about one and a half feet. Let yourself tilt towards the wall and catch the movement with your hands. The upper body must always remain straight during this exercise, as if your whole body were a board tilting forward towards the wall.

4. knee bend to the sideEven an adductor training in an eccentric way is possible. In the supine position, put both legs on and bring the knees together. Now let the legs slowly fall to the side and brake the movement.

Pull the knees together again and repeat the exercise according to your constitution. 5. squatting abdominal musclesPlace yourself on a gym mat or carpet pad and squat. The knees touch each other.

The buttocks are ideally on the heels or even between them. The upper body is upright. Now let the upper body sink backwards and slowly catch the movement through your abdominal muscles.