Educational Resources


Educational tools are instruments in education that are used to achieve a specific educational goal. Certain measures, actions and situations can act as educational tools. The influence of the means of education should serve to form, consolidate or change the attitude or motives of the adolescent. Examples of educational means are praise, rebuke, reminder or punishment. A particular educational tool can be used in different situations and by different people and can have a completely different effect on the adolescent.

What are the means of education?

There are numerous methods that can be used in the education of children. Here are some of them listed: This topic might also be interesting for you: Educational assistance – What is it?

  • Distraction
  • Recognition
  • Incentive for the competition
  • Appeal
  • Task, assignment
  • Instruction
  • Reward
  • Consulting
  • Evaluation
  • Please
  • Threat
  • Reminder
  • Warning
  • Encouragement
  • Bid
  • Getting used to
  • Praise
  • Disapproval
  • Message
  • Penalty
  • Reprimand
  • Training
  • Monitoring
  • Exercise
  • Prohibition
  • Promise
  • Reference
  • Warning
  • Repetition
  • Rebuke

What positive educational tools are there?

So-called positive educational tools serve to support and strengthen the self-esteem and self-image of the adolescent. There are only a few positive means of education compared to many negative ones. Examples of positive education are praise and reward.

Praise and reward are among the most important educational tools. These means of education lead to the child to be educated seeing his actions and behavior confirmed and consequently showing this behavior more often. With positive means of education it should be noted that the educator should question his personal motives.

If an educator tries to abuse praise or reward for his purposes, the educational means do not achieve the desired educational effect. It is essential that the child is not given false motivation. If positive educational tools are used properly, they can strengthen or enhance the adolescent’s self-confidence.

Another positive educational tool is encouragement. Encouragement motivates and confirms the adolescent. In the long run, this leads to a strengthening of self-confidence and at the same time encourages the child’s own motivation to take on new or difficult tasks.

Praise and reward are positive educational tools that often lead to a positive effect quickly, while encouragement has a positive effect on the adolescent’s development, especially in the long term. Positive reinforcement tools are used to teach the child to do certain actions on its own motivation. When an adolescent does something right on his or her own impulse, it should be praised and thus valued and confirmed. In this way the child learns what is right and is positively reinforced in its correct behavior. He will continue to strive to behave appropriately and develop more and more self-confidence.