Effect of chamomile

TherapyApplication areasEffect

The effect of the camomile flowers is proven to be anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic and is therefore suitable for wound healing and for the relief of stomach – intestinal complaints. Camomile is also used for poorly healing wounds, fungal disease in the anal and genital area. In bacterial skin diseases of the oral cavity and gums, the extracts of chamomile have a healing effect.

It is also recommended to use chamomile for inhalation in cases of respiratory tract diseases and sinusitis. The effect of internal use of medicinal chamomile in children has also been proven by clinical studies in the treatment of spasmodic gastrointestinal disorders and colic. The ingredients of chamomile are: To achieve an optimal effect, the ingredients must be present in large quantities.

One does not achieve the desired dosage with a tea. Better are the concentrated extracts of chamomile from the pharmacy. For inflammatory skin diseases of the hands, arms and legs, ointments made from camomile extracts can be used with very good results.

  • Essential oils with the main component bisabolol-bisabolol oxide A and BflavonoidsCoumarins and mucilages In addition, flavone glycosides are also found.
  • Bisabolol
  • Bisabolol oxide A and B
  • Flavonoids
  • Coumarinand
  • Mucilages
  • In addition, one can also find flavone glycosides.
  • Bisabolol
  • Bisabolol oxide A and B
  • Flavonoids
  • Coumarinand
  • Mucilages
  • In addition, one can also find flavone glycosides.

Side effect interaction

The chamomile belongs to the composite flowers. In case of hypersensitivity to arnica, sheep’s milk and marigold, chamomile should not be used. In traces, mainly from the false chamomile or dog chamomile, the contact allergen Anthecotulid can be contained.

Allergic reactions to real chamomile are rare. In the area of the eyes, one should not use extracts of chamomile, which can cause irritation. Occasionally, side effects such as conjunctivitis, nervous restlessness and dizziness are also reported. Continuous use should be avoided. In the case of acute complaints, you should always consult your doctor!