Effectively Stop Earache

Earache is not a disease in its own right, but rather a symptom of a certain disease. Earache can have many different causes – especially often a middle ear infection is behind the complaints. Earaches often occur together with a cold or sore throat, when chewing or during pregnancy. However, children are most often affected. But what helps with earaches? We have compiled typical treatment options as well as some effective home remedies for earaches for you.

Earache has many causes

Earache can be a sign of an ear disease, but it can also have other causes. If an ear disease is present, either the auricle, ear canal, eardrum, middle ear or inner ear are affected. A disease of one of these parts is called primary otalgia. The most common cause of ear pain is inflammation of the middle ear and external auditory canal. In addition, however, there are other possible causes of ear pain (secondary otalgia), for example:

  • Diseases of the teeth or the temporomandibular joint.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx or larynx.
  • Nerve inflammation of the face
  • Problems with the cervical spine
  • Inflammation of the parotid gland
  • Changes in air pressure (for example, when diving and flying, but also in the event of an explosion or a blow to the ear).

Typical accompanying symptoms of ear pain.

Earaches can occur on one or both sides and have a pressing or stabbing character. They are usually relatively severe and often do not subside at night. Depending on the cause behind the earache, ear pain can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms. Thus, dizziness, ringing in the ears, a foreign body sensation in the ear as well as hearing loss may occur. Below you will find more detailed information on individual causes of ear pain and symptoms that occur with it.

Inflammation of the middle ear and external auditory canal

Inflammation in the middle ear and external auditory canal are the most common causes of ear pain. Middle ear inflammation most often occurs as a result of a cold: bacteria from the nasopharynx reach the middle ear and cause inflammation. An inflammation of the external auditory canal, on the other hand, is an infection of the skin of the auditory canal caused by bacteria or fungi. Often, such an inflammation is caused by exaggerated ear hygiene, injuries caused by cotton swabs or penetrating bath water. Typical accompanying symptoms of ear pain caused by a middle ear infection are hearing problems, fever and dizziness. In the case of an ear infection, the ear is also swollen and itchy. In both cases, there may also be discharge from the ear.

Injuries to the pinna and eardrum.

If severe hearing loss occurs in addition to ear pain, this may be a sign of ear canal obstruction due to earwax or a foreign body in the ear. If there is a foreign body, there is often also a pressure pain in the ear. If the eardrum is injured, the ear pain is very sudden and sharp. There is severe hearing loss, tinnitus and dizziness, and loss of fluid or blood through the ears. The eardrum can be injured by internal inflammation, as well as by severe changes in air pressure or noise exposure. If the pinna or earlobe is red and swollen, this indicates injury and inflammation of the outer ear. Such an inflammation occurs when bacteria penetrate the tissue via wounds or irritated skin areas – for example, after piercing a piercing. If such an inflammation is present, the ear often tenses and feels warm.

Nasopharynx and ear pain

If ear pain is not caused by inflammation in the ear itself, but by inflammation in the nasopharynx or larynx, other symptoms occur in addition to ear pain. These include:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Difficulty swallowing

Triggers for the earache can be, among other things, tonsillitis, sinusitis or pharyngitis. But also mouth, throat or larynx cancer, mumps or Pfeiffer’s glandular fever can be considered as a cause.

Earache due to jaw and throat problems

Problems in the jaw area can also lead to unpleasant ear pain: Thus, among other things, tense chewing muscles, malocclusions, erupting wisdom teeth or inflammations in the jaw can affect the ears. In addition to ear pain, pain in the teeth and in the jaw joint, bleeding gums and headaches can occur. If the chewing muscles are cramped due to teeth grinding at night, the muscles in the shoulders and neck may also ache. However, such symptoms may also indicate cervical spine problems. If this is the case, there is usually additional pain when moving the cervical spine. In such a case, you should definitely see an orthopedist.

Earache in children

Children suffer particularly often from ear pain, especially toddlers usually have to fight with ear pain several times in the first years of life. Boys are thereby more frequently affected by ear pain than girls. Earaches in children are particularly common as a result of a middle ear infection. This is because the tube connecting the nasopharynx and middle ear is shorter and more horizontal in children than in adults. Thus, bacteria can easily enter the middle ear during a cold or flu and cause inflammation. Young children are often whiny when they have an earache and frequently rub their ears. They often also experience general symptoms of illness, such as fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting. If your child has an earache, be sure to see a doctor to have the cause of the earache evaluated.