Effects on the psyche | Schüssler Salt No. 25: Aurum chloratum natronatum

Effects on the psyche

Aurum chloratum natronatum influences the psyche of the person concerned. Unlike many other salts, however, this does not happen directly, but indirectly through the balancing of the many fine regulatory cycles of the body. When the regulatory cycles are out of balance, the natural reserves of this salt are used up.

The substance must then be supplied from outside, otherwise inexplicable mood swings and sleep disorders can occur. Furthermore, there are certain (compulsive) character traits and behaviors that consume the natural reservoir of Auratum chloratum natronatum. Typically, this is the inability to follow one’s own rhythm and listen to one’s body. People who consume a lot of Auratum chloratum natronatum are more likely to follow prescribed constraints, rules and rhythms than is good for them. In addition to the intake of the used up salt, it is therefore recommended for these persons to train and pay attention to their own body awareness.

What symptoms indicate that I should use the salt?

With Schüssler Salt, you can recognize a person who needs a certain salt by certain external and personal characteristics. According to Dr. Schüssler, external characteristics can be recognized mainly by face analysis, i.e. by looking at the face and neck. With Auratum chloratum natronum there are not many specific features.

These mainly include disorders in the skin appearance caused by irregular sebum or sweat production: Oily skin, acne or excessive sweating can be noticed as symptoms as well as very dry, itchy skin. In addition, disorders of the skin appendages, especially the hair, often appear on the face. Hair loss up to baldness can be a feature that indicates an indication for Aurum chloratum natronatum in the face analysis. Of great interest are also the psychological symptoms and character traits that make the use of this Schüssler salt appear sensible: mood swings, excessive tiredness or alertness at times when it feels “inappropriate”, sleepwalking, nightly headaches or heart palpitations are indications of disturbed hormonal control cycles, which can be stabilised again by the administration of Aurum chloratum natronatum.