Electric tartar remover | Tartar remover

Electric tartar remover

Electric tartar removers include electric devices, including ultrasonic devices, which are a special group. In the dental surgery, the sandblasting device is also part of this group, which removes deposits by means of a powder – water – air mixture. There are other electric tartar removers on the Internet, but they are not medical devices and therefore not suitable. They can do more harm than good.

What belongs to a tartar remover set

A tartar remover set consists of several hand instruments. These usually include an oral mirror so that the affected areas of tartar in the oral cavity, which usually occur on the back of the lower front teeth, can be optimally inspected. The set, which is usually made of stainless steel and can be sterilized, also consists of sharpened instruments that can scrape off tartar.

These include the tartar scraper, scalers, and curettes, which should be used with the utmost caution. The scalpels and scalers are two-sided instruments. Scalers are sharpened on both sides, while curettes are sharpened on one side only.

The thin instruments are particularly good for reaching interdental spaces (the space between the teeth) to remove tartar. Most of the instruments are also used in the dental practice, but are regularly disinfected and sterilized and resharpened. All these post-treatments are not possible for private use, which is a disadvantage.

Bacteria can possibly stick to the instruments and be transferred during subsequent use. This can cause inflammation and infection. Furthermore, the pointed instruments are a source of danger, as teeth and gums can easily be injured by incorrect handling.For these reasons, it is not advisable to use a tartar remover set yourself.

Should I use it to remove tartar myself?

In general, we advise against self-treatment with hard, scratchy objects that are not suitable for the application. The tartar is often so hard due to mineralization that it can only be loosened with great force. This inevitably leads to damage to the enamel or dentin.

Furthermore, the patient can also severely damage the gums and, if they slip off, seriously injure them, so that, in the worst case, stitches may be necessary. The risks of incorrect use of most special dental equipment are so high that it is not advisable to use them on your own. Moreover, there is a lack of expertise in thoroughly removing tartar from the teeth.

The only device that can be used with relatively low risk is the tartar eraser, which can only remove light deposits. Going to the dentist for tartar removal, which is paid for once a year by the public health insurance company, is the safest way. In the course of a professional dental cleaning the tartar is completely removed.