Elevated Liver Enzymes: Function & Diseases

The organ that is capable of regeneration, the liver, does not make itself known through pain, but indicates problems with elevated liver values. The liver has the gift of being able to heal itself or regenerate completely. However, elevated liver values indicate the fact that liver cells died or were lost relatively recently.

What are elevated liver enzymes?

Infographic on the anatomy and structure of the liver. Click to enlarge. Normal liver values fall within the following ranges: Gamma-GT level ranges from 9-36 U/l in women and 12-64 U/l in men. The AST value should be below 35 U/l in women and below 50 U/l in men. The ALT value should also not rise above 35 U/l in women and 50 U/l in men. If the value lies outside the ranges, one speaks of elevated liver values. However, this does not necessarily mean that the liver is diseased. Underlying diseases or even other causes can significantly increase liver values.


Among the best-known causes of elevated liver enzymes is alcohol consumption. However, there are several factors and causes why the patient may suffer from elevated liver values. In addition to the abuse of alcohol or drugs as well as medications, infections can also cause elevated liver values. Even viruses or even bacteria can bring liver values outside the normal range. Likewise, fatty food guilt can cause elevated liver values. Toxic damage and also diseases of the bile ducts can also sometimes be a trigger for altered liver values. The following illnesses are likewise a cause: autoimmune illnesses, hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis as well as diabetes or also metabolic illnesses.

Diagnosis and course

In the case of liver disease, the patient complains of concentration disorders as well as fatigue and also repeatedly feels a sensation of pressure in the upper abdominal region. The patient’s stool is clay-colored and the urine is beer-brown. Many patients feel no appetite, are disgusted by certain foods (such as fish), and often report a bloated abdomen. Likewise, yellowing of the eyes or skin may indicate liver disease. The doctor will try to palpate changes in the liver. Elevated liver values often cause the organ to change so that the liver becomes “hard.” However, the physician can only feel a “hard” liver in slim persons; in overweight persons, initial palpation is almost impossible. Other clinical examinations are based on the color of the skin or the color of the eyes – here the patient often notices himself that he is becoming “yellow”. A blood test provides information about the elevated liver values. Here the physician recognizes how high the liver values are and can carry out further examinations.

Treatment and therapy

When it comes to treatment for liver disease or elevated liver values, there is no panacea. This means that therapy is based on the cause. For example, in the case of hepatitis, therapy is with medications designed to strengthen the immune system. However, in the case of autoimmune hepatitis, where the immune system attacks the patient’s own liver, the physician prescribes medication to weaken the immune system. People who have elevated liver values and suffer from obesity (overweight) must change their diet. This is called fatty liver hepatitis – NASH – which develops due to body weight and unhealthy diet. It is important that – no matter what therapy the doctor prescribes – the patient avoids substances that attack or burden the liver. First and foremost, this is alcohol. Even smoking can sometimes cause liver disease. Medications can also attack the organ, which is why patients should refrain from taking excessive amounts of tablets during therapy. If the patient has to take medications for everyday life or take tablets that are vital for him, it is advisable to find alternatives here. There are indeed preparations that only affect the liver to a limited extent. Discontinuation of medication without first consulting the doctor is not recommended.


Those who wish to prevent elevated liver enzymes must first and foremost reduce their alcohol consumption. Likewise, it is advisable for overweight patients to work on weight reduction. Only in this way is complete regeneration of the organ possible.Furthermore, the patient should avoid animal fats. However, unsaturated fatty acids – such as those found in olive oil, linseed oil and nuts – support the organ. Likewise, the patient can eat spicy food or grilled meat; here, too, there is a benefit in the treatment of elevated liver values. However, it is important that excessive tablet consumption and abstention from alcohol and nicotine are also observed. This is the only way to prevent elevated liver enzymes.