Empyema in the maxillary sinus | Empyema

Empyema in the maxillary sinus

The maxillary sinus can also be affected by empyema. The maxillary sinus (sinus maxilaris) belongs to the paranasal sinuses. An inflammation is called sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).

There can be various causes for this. An accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus is known as maxillary sinus empyema. This can be caused as a complication of a chronic sinusitis or by the entry of pathogens by other means.

Broken bones in the midface and upper jaw allow germs to enter the maxillary sinus. Inflammation in the area of the upper teeth can be carried away into the maxillary sinus. Typical symptoms are pain while shopping, toothache, fever and a facial pain.

Since there is a risk of the infection spreading to the meninges or the development of a venous thrombosis, quick action must be taken here as well. The therapy includes antibiotics and an endoscopic removal of the inflamed and purulent mucous membrane as well as the cleaning of the maxillary sinus.