Encourage contractions with tea


Children are not always born on the calculated date of birth. In particular pregnant women whose delivery date has been exceeded try to trigger the contractions with different techniques. Among the best known home remedies are also teas that promote labor pains, which can either be bought or produced with spices or herbs. Even if these are natural ingredients, the intake of teas that promote labor pains should only be done in consultation with the midwife or the doctor

Myth or truth – are teas really effective?

There are a number of spices and herbs that are said to have a contraction-promoting effect. Some of them are said to promote blood circulation and thus contribute to the activity of the contractions. There is no scientific proof of the effectiveness of most of the herbs.

So the question whether teas really help cannot be answered clearly. Many women report a contraction-promoting effect, while others feel no effect. Especially for pregnant women, who are already above the birth date, an attempt with a contraction tea can be dared – but this should be done in consultation with the doctor or midwife. The contractions teas should at best be understood as aids – there is no guarantee for their effect.

Which teas can help?

There are different teas which are said to have a contraction-promoting effect. Some are available ready-made, others require preparation from one or more spices and herbs. Among the most popular teas are those made from raspberry leaves.

The popularity of this tea is mainly due to its taste and the low to non-existent risk of side effects. The preparation of raspberry leaf tea is quite simple, you use about 1 teaspoon for one cup and pour hot water over it. After 10 minutes the tea is steeped.

But also verbena is an old known remedy. In contrast to the other teas that promote labor pains, the taste takes some getting used to, which is why verbena is used less often today. Furthermore, cinnamon sticks or blackberry leaves are often used as ingredients for contraceptive teas.

These teas have a more pleasant taste and are therefore more popular than verbena. Verbena tea is a well-known representative among the contraceptive agents. It stands out above all because of its taste, which takes some getting used to.

Like many other herbs, there is no reliable proof of its effectiveness in scientific studies. Verbena is nevertheless said to have a slight contraction-promoting effect. The consumption should therefore be limited to the end of pregnancy.

Again, it is best to take it after consulting your doctor or midwife. They can also provide exact information on the preparation and quantity of the tea. Verbena tea is usually available in pharmacies or health food stores.

Cinnamon is also said to have a contraction-promoting effect by increasing the blood circulation of the organs in the pelvis. Cinnamon sticks, which are doused with hot water, are best suited for preparation. The infusion time should be about 10 minutes.

The tea should be drunk about two times a day. The midwife should also be consulted if there are any uncertainties. Furthermore, the tea, like the other teas, should be consumed only at the birth date or beyond.