Enlargement of the Heart (Cardiomegaly): Therapy

The therapy of cardiomegaly depends on the underlying disease.

If there are signs of heart failure (cardiac insufficiency), it must be treated specifically (see heart failure for details).

General measures

  • Aim to maintain normal weight!Determine BMI (body mass index, body mass index) or body composition using electrical impedance analysis and, if necessary, participate in a medically supervised weight loss program or program for the underweight.
    • Falling below the BMI lower limit (from the 45th year: 22; from the 55th year: 23; from the 65th year: 24) → Participation in a medically supervised program for the underweight.


The following vaccinations are advised:

  • Flu vaccination
  • Pneumococcal vaccination

Regular checkups

  • Regular medical checkups

Nutritional medicine

  • Nutritional counseling based on nutritional analysis
  • Nutritional recommendations according to a mixed diet taking into account the disease at hand. This means, among other things:
    • Daily total of 5 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits (≥ 400 g; 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits).
    • Once or twice a week fresh sea fish, i.e. fatty marine fish (omega-3 fatty acids) such as salmon, herring, mackerel.
    • High-fiber diet (whole grain products).
  • Selection of appropriate food based on the nutritional analysis
  • See also under “Therapy with micronutrients (vital substances)” – if necessary, taking a suitable dietary supplement.
  • Detailed information on nutritional medicine you will receive from us.