Enuresis: Test and Diagnosis

Laboratory parameters of the 1st order – obligatory laboratory tests.

  • Urinalysis by test strip:
    • A rapid test for nitrite detects nitrite-forming bacteria in the urine, if necessary.
    • Likewise, leukocyturia (increased number of white blood cells in the urine) may be detectable.
  • Urine sediment

Laboratory parameters 2nd order – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, etc. – for differential diagnostic clarification.

  • Urine culture* (pathogen detection and resistogram, that is, testing suitable antibiotics for sensitivity / resistance) from midstream urine possibly catheter urine.

* A urinary tract infection (UTI) exists when pathogenic germs are detected in urine, urethra, urinary bladder, the kidney or prostate. Normally, a bacterial count of > 105/ml – obtained from “clean” midstream urine – indicates an infection. One speaks of asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) when the bacterial count of > 105/ml has been detected in two urine samples in the absence of clinical signs of UTI. However, in some cases of UTI, bacterial detection in urine may be decreased or completely absent. Especially in symptomatic patients, a lower bacterial count of 102 to 104/ml may indicate infection.