Environmental Medicine Diagnostics

Environmental medicine has many ways to help affected patients. First, the cause of the illness must be determined, and then cause-related treatment can be given. The environmental medicine physician will often need to conduct a site visit to identify the possible triggers of the disease. Samples taken during this process are then tested for pollutants – pollutant analysis – in a laboratory. In addition, blood tests – toxicological tests – are usually carried out on the affected patient in order to detect any contamination of the body, either directly or indirectly. If necessary, an allergy test can also help to trace the cause of the complaints.

The following is a brief introduction to the diagnosis of environmentally induced diseases.

To clarify environmentally related diseases are necessary:

  • Medical history – including family history – children and wives are more likely to complain than homebound residents because of prolonged exposure.
  • Symptoms – general symptoms, such as dizziness, headaches, fatigue may require, in addition to the specialist clarification, the investigation of chronic intoxication at work or in the home area.On sleep disorders, allergies, susceptibility to infection, especially in children or even loss of appetite, headaches and similar leading symptoms should be addressed in particular also taking into account a possible intoxication of substances as disease-causing factors increased!
  • Lifestyle
  • Dietary habits
  • Social history
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Site visit
    • Apartment including apartment environment
    • Workplace

The evaluation of the data thus obtained from the patient and his environment are incorporated into a rational and rational laboratory diagnostics. Based on the laboratory results, the therapy recommendations are then made.

Often, non-specific symptoms are not recognized as a result of environmental influences. Environmental medicine can help determine the causes of your symptoms.