Epidural lipomatosis has these symptoms | Epidural Lipomatosis

Epidural lipomatosis has these symptoms

Epidural lipomatosis causes symptoms when the spinal nerves or spinal cord are displaced and constricted. This can lead to various symptoms, which mainly include sensitivity disorders, pain and motor impairments. The symptoms can be similar to those of a herniated disc, which also causes constriction of the spinal cord and spinal nerves.

Depending on the level of the constriction, different areas of the spinal cord and nerves are affected, resulting in sensory disorders in the arms, legs or other parts of the body, for example. So-called vegetative disorders, such as incontinence, can also occur. The symptoms are difficult to differentiate from other causes, such as a herniated disc or diabetic neuropathy, which is why epidural lipomatosis should always be considered as a differential diagnosis in the case of indicative causes. This could also be interesting for you: Herniated disc – causes, symptoms & therapy

Treatment of epidural lipomatosis

Epidural lipomatosis can be treated by surgical decompression.This means that the excess fatty tissue is removed surgically. This removes the constriction in the area of the spinal cord and spinal nerves and the symptoms improve. Furthermore, possible triggers of epidural lipomatosis should also be removed, insofar as this is possible.

This could be, for example, a cortisone-producing tumor or a high-dose cortisone therapy. Since the risk of epidural lipomatosis is greatly increased with overweight, weight reduction should also be aimed for. When discontinuing a cortisone medication, a risk-benefit analysis should always be performed.

If the medication should be discontinued, it is always discontinued and never abruptly. Do you want to lose weight and are you looking for helpful information on this? How should breakfast look like when losing weight and much more you can find out under Losing weight by changing your dietEpidural lipomatosis is similar to a herniated disc. Surgery should be performed if the benefits outweigh any risks of surgery near the spinal cord. An absolute indication for surgery is paralysis and bladder and rectum disorders.