Evaluation of the HIV rapid test | Quick test for venereal diseases

Evaluation of the HIV rapid test

Depending on the manufacturer, the HIV self-test can be evaluated after 1-15 minutes. Also the reading of the result differs. In general, the tests show different stripes, similar to a pregnancy test.

One of them is the control strip. This should appear both in case of a negative and a positive test result. If the control strip does not appear, the test has not worked. In the case of a positive HIV test, an additional strip will appear. However, how the exact evaluation of the HIV test works should be read up in the manual of the respective model.

Can the HIV rapid test also be false positive?

The HIV rapid test can give a false positive result. This means that the test shows a positive result although there is no infection. To rule this out, if the test result is positive, a further test should be carried out by a doctor or the public health department. Only if two tests show a positive result, the diagnosis HIV can be made.

When can I do the HIV quick test?

With the HIV rapid test, it is important to ensure that there is a 12-week interval between possible infection and the performance of the test. If the test is performed before this time, there is a possibility that the antibody level is below the detection limit and the test may give a false negative. More detailed information on this topic can be found here: HIV Rapid Test – You should know!

When should I repeat the HIV rapid test?

If the HIV rapid test is positive, the test should be repeated to rule out a false positive result. However, it is recommended to have the test performed at the public health department or by a doctor. These tests are more accurate and additional consultation regarding further measures and therapy can be provided. For more information on this topic, we recommend our page on: HIV Rapid Test – You should know that!