Exercise examples for loosening and relaxing while standing in front of the desk

Starting position: Stand with hip-wide legs in front of the desk, distance approx. one arm’s length, both hands are supported on the desk with stretched arms Exercise Execution Let the upper body sink slowly and carefully between the upper arms Effect Stretching of the chest muscles and opening of the chest, mobilization of the thoracic spine into extension, freer breathingStarting position Stand with approx. Both hands are supported on the desk when the arms are stretched, the fingertips are looking at each other Exercise: Elbows are stretched slowly without raising the shoulders, move the upper part of the body carefully backwards so that there is a stretch in the arms, hold this position and breathe slowly in through the nose and out through the mouth Effect: Stretching of the hand and forearm flexor muscles Stand in step position in front of the desk, both hands are supported on the desk top with stretched arms, the backs of the hands are looking at each other Exercise execution The weight of the upper body is slowly shifted forward between the arms until a clear stretching of the forearm muscles is felt, hold this position and breathe in slowly through the nose and out through the mouth Effect : Stretching of the hand – and forearm extensor muscles