Exercises against muscle tension in impingement syndrome

You are in the sub-theme Physiotherapy of Impingement Syndrome. You will find the start page of this topic under Physiotherapy of impingement syndrome. You will find the medical-orthopedic part under our sub-topic Impingement Syndrome. Muscle tension in the neck and shoulder muscles due to one-sided, recurring everyday occupational stress, possible shoulder joint instability.

Therapeutic techniques

During functional massage, the tense muscles are massaged while moving the arm at right angles to their course. The duration and intensity of the functional massage depends on the individual findings. Medium dosage: every 2nd day, a few minutes per pain point The treatment can cause a painful “wellbeing”. This should not last after the treatment, but should give way to pain relief!

  • Trigger point treatment
  • Functional Massage
  • Tape (see physical therapy)
  • Muscle stretching

Initial position sitting on a stool, upright posture, the affected arm is spread sideways until before the symptoms appear, contact with 3 fingertips in the hollow above the shoulder blade bone Exercise execution when the arm is spread, pressure is exerted on the muscles, with abduction movement the pressure is released Effect Relaxation of the shoulder muscle, pain reliefInitial position supine, pillow, 2 tennis balls or hedgehog balls under the pain points of the muscles, right and left of the spine Exercise execution the head is slowly moved to the right and left, respectively forward towards the sternum and back towards the neck moves Effect Relaxation, pain relief

Self-exercise against muscle tension with impingement 3

Starting position: Standing on the wall, 2 hedgehog balls or tennis balls are located on the right and left side of the thoracic spine Exercise: by slowly kneeling down while simultaneously pressing the back against the balls, muscles and fasciae are massaged parallel to the spine. Effect: relaxation, pain relief

Self-exercise against muscle tension with impingement 4

Starting position: lateral position, a fascia ball, tennis ball or hedgehog ball is under the shoulder blade below the shoulder blade bone Exercise: by rolling slowly back and forth on the ball, the shoulder blade muscles and the fascia are massaged