Exercises against shoulder pain

In order to counteract or prevent complaints of these body regions, they should strengthen their muscles and stretch them when they are in the wrong posture. Do 10-15 repetitions per exercise with about 5 series (except for the yoga exercises). Hold the respective stretches for about 15 seconds.

Exercises against shoulder pain

Exercise against shoulder pain 1 You can perform this exercise sitting or standing. Your arms are stretched out forward. Bend them in front of you so that your fists are pointing to the ceiling and are at 90 degrees at your elbows.

Both elbows touch each other and the upper arms are at shoulder level. Now pull your arms apart and lead them backwards (like butterfly-reverse). Walk as far as you can and slowly bring the arms back together in the starting position.

Exercise against shoulder pain 2 You sit on a chair and put your hands stretched behind your body. Then fold your fingers into each other. The arms are stretched out backwards.

The shoulders are pulled back. Increase the pull of the arms and direct it towards the floor. Hold this position.

Exercise against shoulder pain 3 Let both arms hang down loosely. Make sure that the back remains straight. Tilt your head to the side with your ear towards your shoulder.

Then extend your opposite arm down to the floor. Hold this position again. Exercise for shoulder pain 4 Your arms are angled and your elbows are resting on your body.

Your thumbs are pointing to the ceiling and the remaining fingers are stretched out and pointing forward. Your back should remain straight and your shoulders are pulled backwards. Then pull your hands apart and lead them backwards (shoulder rotation).

Walk as far as you can. Hold this position. Exercise against shoulder pain 5 You are lying on your stomach with your arms bent to the side.

The legs are stretched out downwards. They look down at the floor and keep their face facing there. Then lift your face, shoulders, arms and legs off the floor and hold this position.

Although this exercise puts complete tension on the body, it strengthens the shoulders in particular. Therefore, hold your arms as high as possible. Exercise against shoulder pain 6 You are in the prone position and have both arms stretched upwards.

The legs are stretched out and point down. You look down at the floor and leave your face there. Then lift your face, shoulders and arms. Stay up and, with the body sections raised, make rocking movements to the left and right without putting the section down.