Exercises for a slipped disc during pregnancy

Since not all therapeutic measures are suitable to the same extent due to the special circumstances caused by pregnancy, special emphasis is placed on targeted exercises that can also be performed during pregnancy without any problems. The exercises are specially adapted to the pregnant woman and should help to relieve the damaged structures, loosen the surrounding tense tissue and at the same time stabilize and strengthen the muscles so that they can better withstand the increased strain. The exercises for a herniated disc during pregnancy are not only useful to treat an existing herniated disc, but also to prevent the development of further problems and thus enable a stress-free pregnancy, in which the body is optimally prepared for the strains of childbirth. This will also lead to a faster rehabilitation from pregnancy.


1.) Strengthening the upper back Stand up straight and spread your legs hip-wide. Bend your legs slightly and stretch your arms backwards, down.

The palms of your hands are facing each other. Now pull both arms forward and up so that the thumbs are pointing to the ceiling. Keep your eyes on the floor during the entire exercise.

At the same time, lower your knees and tilt your stretched upper body forward. Repeat the exercise 10 times. 2.)

Strengthening of the entire back Put yourself in the four-footed position. Make sure that the hips do not sag and that the knees are below the hips. Now lift one arm 90° angled at shoulder height next to the body.

Hold this position for 20 seconds and then change sides. To make it more difficult, you can still lift the opposite leg at the same time. 3 repetitions per side.

3.) Strengthening the lower back Lie on the floor in supine position and put your feet up. The arms are crossed behind the head.

Now press yourself up into the bridge and hold the position for 20 seconds. To make things more difficult, one leg can be lifted at an angle, with the other leg only touching the ground with its heel. 3 repetitions.

4.) Relax your muscles Stand backwards in front of a wall so that you can still clamp a gymnastic ball between you and the wall. Your legs are shoulder width apart and your back is leaning straight against the ball.

Now roll slowly along the ball into the squat, stay there for two seconds and slowly roll back to the starting position. 10-15 repetitions. 5.)

Relaxation of muscles Sit in the middle of a gym ball. Feet are on the floor. Now slowly make circular movements from the hips.

This not only strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, but also relieves the lower back and thus releases tension. 6.) Loosening of the muscles and relaxation Lie down on a gym ball as if you wanted to hug it.

The knees and lower legs are on the floor and the base of the abdomen is before the ball. Now swing slowly back and forth and from right to left. Only do this in a way that is comfortable for you.

Do the relaxation exercises calmly for several minutes. 7.) Step position for relief This exercise is more for relaxation and relief of the strained back structures.

To do this, lie on a comfortable surface on your back and bend your legs at a 90° angle. Place your lower legs in this position on a chair or sofa, for example. This relieves the lower back in particular. Further practical exercises for pregnant women can be found in the articles:

  • Exercises for back pain during pregnancy
  • Physiotherapy for a slipped disc during pregnancy
  • Pelvic floor training during pregnancy
  • Physiotherapy during pregnancy