Exercises for back pain during pregnancy | Exercises for back pain

Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

But back pain also occurs for other reasons than just weakened muscles or incorrect posture. Pregnant women often complain of back pain that increases over the course of nine months. Small tips and exercises can effectively fight back pain that occurs during this time and strengthen the back.

Simple remedies to help with back pain can be warmth and a sacral massage. Heat helps to relax the muscles and loosen hardenings. A pregnant woman can easily use a hot water bottle or a grain pillow to get rid of back pain.

A warm bath can also help to relieve the pain. Tensions in the neck area can occur during pregnancy. A simple relaxation exercise can help against this pain.

On a mat or another not too hard surface, sit cross-legged and make sure your back is straight and upright. With your left hand you first grasp your head behind the opposite ear and slowly pull your head towards your left shoulder until you feel tension in the neck area. This position is then held for a few seconds and then slowly released.

This exercise can be done up to 10 times and should then be done with the other side as well. Another exercise that helps against back pain during pregnancy is the back trainer. For this you need a chair or a fitball.

The starting position is sitting on the ball or on a chair. The feet stand open on the floor with both knees pointing outwards away from the body. Now you should make sure that you sit as upright as possible.

The abdomen and back should be tensed and you can try to actively pull the shoulder blades slightly together. This should result in the chest automatically coming forward slightly and a more upright position. From this position the upper body is now slightly tilted forward to increase the tension in the back and thus the stretching effect.

In the forward inclined position, the right and left arm can now be alternately raised and stretched. The upper body is kept still and the arms alternate, so that you get about 20 repetitions on each side. The lateral abdominal and back muscles can also help to combat pain during pregnancy, as they support the healthy posture of the back.

The starting position is a cross-legged position on a gymnastics or yoga mat. The back is kept straight so that you sit upright and the head is in extension of the spine. At the beginning of the exercise the right arm is taken over the head and the upper body is tilted to the left.

The lower arm can support itself on the floor in a helping way. The stretching goes so far that you are still lying with your buttocks completely on the floor and hold this position for a few seconds. Then you move back to the starting position and stretch the other side as well.

A variation of this exercise is done in a standing position with legs open at shoulder width. The arm that is not pulled over the head lies to the side and moves down the thigh when stretching. Sport during pregnancy is usually not a problem.

However, it should ALWAYS be discussed with the doctor beforehand. Without an examination before doing sports, unexpected complications can occur.