Exercises for the arms | Stroke exercises

Exercises for the arms

To train the arms, the shoulders should also be strengthened. 1) Grab a towel and hold both ends in your right and left hand. In this exercise you can sit or stand.

Pay attention to the following points: Then pull the towel apart and go until the towel is at its maximum tension and you feel a tension in both shoulders. Hold this tension for 15-20 seconds and slowly bring both hands together again. The number of series is 3-5 repetitions.

2) For the next exercise you will need two bottles. The weight can vary from 0.5 liters – 2 liters. Let both arms hang for a while.

Hold one bottle in each hand with the bottle opening facing forward. Now move your hands to the opposite shoulder. Lead your left hand to your right shoulder and your right hand to your left shoulder. You can repeat the exercise 15-20 times and for 3-5 series per side.Further strengthening exercises for the arms can be found in the following articles:

  • It is important to bend the arms
  • Make sure that the elbows remain on your upper body
  • Fists are directed forward
  • The thumb sides of the fists are inclined to each other
  • Your upper body remains upright and the distance between your fists is minimal at the beginning
  • Isometric exercises
  • Exercises with the Theraband
  • Physiotherapy exercises

Hand exercises

1) To exercise the hand muscles, place your palms on a table top and spread your fingers apart. The whole palm should touch the table top. Try not only to spread your fingers apart, but also to pull them in length.

Hold the tension for 15-20 seconds and perform it for 3-5 series. Then change the hand. 2) In the second exercise, bring your index finger and thumb together.

The fingertips touch each other. Make sure that your fingers together form a round shape. If the shape is rather oval, try to tense your fingers so that they form a round shape. The remaining fingers remain spread apart. A comprehensive collection of exercises for the fingfer you will find on the following pages:

  • Exercises for finger joint arthrosis
  • Exercises for wrist arthrosis