Exercises for the bottom | Exercises belly, legs, bottom, back

Exercises for the bottom

1 Exercise You are in a four-footed position and your arms and legs are hip-wide apart. Your back is in a line and you take care that it does not get into a hunchback. Your face looks down on the floor and is not lifted during the exercise.

Now extend your arm forward and lift the opposite leg at the same time. It is stretched out and is at the level of your buttocks. Then let both sink again and bring hand and knee together under your body.

Both do not touch the ground. Lift your arm and leg up again and repeat the exercise 15 times. Then change the arm and the leg.

2 Exercise You are in a four-footed position and your arms and legs are hip-wide apart. Your back is in a line and you take care that it does not get into a hunchback. Your face is facing the floor and is not lifted during the exercise.

Now stretch your leg backwards. When the leg is up, slowly move the leg to the side and finally back again. The leg remains at the height of the buttocks.

Change the leg after the exercise. 3 Exercise You are lying on your stomach and your arms are angled to the side. The legs are stretched out.

First lift your arms and keep them up. Both remain angled. Your face looks down on the floor and is not lifted during the exercise.

Meanwhile, you also raise your legs and keep them there. The position is held for 15 seconds. More exercises can be found in the articles:

  • Exercises for the bottom
  • Exercises against cellulite
  • Vibration training

Exercises for the back

1 Exercise You are lying on your stomach and your arms are angled sideways, the legs are stretched out. While the elbows are pulled up to the upper body and the upper body is lifted, the feet remain on the floor. Your gaze is constantly directed towards the floor.

2 Exercise You are lying on your stomach, your arms and legs are stretched out.Your face looks down on the floor and is not lifted during the exercise. Meanwhile, stretch your arms forward and bring them together above your head. Your legs come up and remain stretched out at the top.

Pull your arms apart and bring them together in a large arch, behind your back. Then stretch your arms forward again and repeat the exercise. 3 Exercise You lie on your stomach, your arms and legs are stretched out.

First lift your arms and keep them up. Your face is facing the floor and will not be lifted during the exercise. Meanwhile, you also raise your legs and keep them there.

Then you make small chopping movements with your arms. That is, the arms bob up and down in quick movements. The legs stay up.

4 Exercise You lie on your stomach and your arms and legs are stretched out. First lift your arms and keep them up. Your face looks down on the floor and is not lifted during the exercise.

Meanwhile, you also bring your legs up and keep them there. Then clench your hands into fists and stretch your arms forward one after the other. That means you start boxing with your arms.

The legs stay up. 5 Exercise Go into the four-footed position and the arms and legs are hip-wide apart. Your back lies in one line and you take care that it does not get into a hunchback.

Extend one arm to the side and bend it. It is at shoulder level. Then pull the angled arm towards the ceiling and bring it under your body, up to your belly. Turn with your head and upper body and go up again with the arm towards the ceiling. More exercises can be found in the articles

  • Exercises against back pain
  • Back-friendly lifting and carrying
  • Vibration training
  • Flexible vibrating rod