Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar | Flexible vibrating rod

Exercises for the shoulder/neck with the Flexibar Swinging Bar

More exercises can be found under: Exercises against shoulder pain

  • Stand approximately shoulder-wide and spread both arms 90° to the sides, turn the palms of your hands towards the ceiling and take the Flexibar in one hand. Keep elbows slightly flexed and hold this position for about one minute. To make the exercise more difficult, you can bend the opposite leg towards the Flexibar.
  • Lie on the floor in supine position and adjust both legs.

    Raise your arms above your head and swing the Flexibar parallel to the floor. You can lift the pelvis as an enhancement.

  • Stand in stepping position and hold your arms at 90° in front of you, turning your palms upwards. Hold the Flexibar in both hands and bend your elbows slightly, now swing the bar parallel to the floor.

Flexible Training/Training Plan

The Flexibar training should be done 3-4 times a week for optimal results. A training session lasts between 10 and 15 minutes, depending on the training condition and training goal. It is important that the exercises are selected so that every muscle group of the body is trained.

This includes the legs, back, abdominal muscles and shoulders. Exercises can also be added to strengthen the gluteal muscles and the pelvic floor. Per training unit, 10 – 15 exercises can be integrated, depending on your fitness and muscle strength.

Each exercise should be performed for between 30 and 60 seconds, depending on your fitness level. A break of 90 seconds is recommended in between. Flexibar training should be seen as a supplement to light endurance training such as jogging, cycling or swimming, which should be performed 3 days a week.

Experience with the Flexibar vibrating rod

Since the Flexibar is such an easy to use training device for all target groups, almost all users have positive experiences with it. As it intensifies conventional fitness exercises, such as crunches, it is also popular with people who are already regularly active in sports. People for whom it is important that a training session really challenges them can use the Flexibar to make their workout more effective and add variety.

For people who already have an illness or limitation, the Flexibar is well suited because a very gentle workout is possible without additional weights. Pain after training due to excessive weight load is thus avoided. Some users report that no visible muscle build-up can be achieved with the Flexibar, which is also not the aim of training with this device. If you are looking for a light weight endurance training that can relieve back pain and strengthen the deep trunk muscles, training with the Flexibar is recommended.