Exercises for the stomach to lose weight | Exercises belly, legs, bottom, back

Exercises for the stomach to lose weight

1 Exercise Sit on the floor with your hands at the back of your head. The legs are stretched out downwards. Then tilt your upper body slightly back.

Pull the legs one after the other and stretch them out again. The legs are not put down and the upper body remains up. 2 Exercise Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward.

The arms are angled behind the head. Then tilt your upper body slightly back and lift the stretched legs. Then cross your legs and bring them apart again.Repeat the joining and spreading of the legs 3 Exercise You lie on your back and the arms are angled behind the head.

Then pull one leg towards the upper body. While pulling on one leg, raise your head, arms and shoulders and bring knees and opposite elbows together. To do this, turn your upper body towards the tightened leg.

After you have done this, let your leg and your upper body slowly sink down again and repeat the exercise with the other leg. 4 Exercise You are lying on the floor with your arms stretched out to the side. The legs are stretched out in any case.

Then lift both legs stretched out until it is no longer possible. Move them to one side towards the floor without putting them down. Then guide the legs to the other side. Proceed slowly again and do not go too fast. You can find more exercises in the article Exercises against abdominal fat

Exercises for tightening the abdomen after birth

1 Exercise You are sitting on a chair and your legs are hip-width apart. During the exercise make sure that your back remains straight. To do this, pull your shoulders back and stretch out your chest.

Then tilt your pelvis back and leave it in that position. Again, make sure your shoulders stay back and your chest moves forward. Then tense your stomach.

This will pull her belly button towards the spine. The pelvis remains tilted backwards. Then concentrate on her costal arches under her chest and try to bring them together.

To help, you can place your palms against the costal arches and feel if they come together. Finally, hold the position at the shoulders, costal arches, abdomen and pelvis for about 15 seconds. 2 Exercise You lie on your back with your arms stretched out or your hands at your temples.

The legs are angled. Raise your head and shoulders and move your upper body towards your thighs. You do not have to raise your upper body completely.

It is also sufficient to lift it to the end of your shoulder blades. Tilt your pelvis back so that your lower back is in contact with the ground. Then tense your stomach.

Then hold the position. 3 Exercise You lie on your side and support yourself on a forearm. The legs are stretched out on top of each other.

Now lift your pelvis upwards so that only your forearm and the foot underneath is touching the floor. Hold this position and make sure that the body forms a line. The bottom must not slide down.

Tense the stomach additionally. Then change sides after about 10 seconds. If the exercise is too difficult for you, tighten your knees in the starting position. When you come to the side support, the load is on the knee joint and not on the foot (shortened lever).