Exercises from physiotherapy for the neck

Many patients who complain of pain have it mainly in the shoulder-neck area. This is mainly related to our everyday work and leisure activities. A one-sided position of the head (e.g. when working at the PC) leads to tension in the neck, as the neck muscles are constantly busy holding the head in one position.

Even long hours of television have a negative effect on the neck muscles and therefore often cause pain and tension in the neck. Since muscle tension usually causes a radiating pain, headaches can also be the result. Headache can occur laterally, ventrally, dorsally and also cranially locally.

Psychological problems and stress are also a factor that can trigger neck pain and tension, as there are numerous neural circuits that influence muscle activity in this area. Even the eye muscles are related to the neck muscles. A high strain on the eyes (especially when working with a PC) can therefore also cause a corresponding pain or tension in the neck muscles.

Exercises for the neck

1st exercise neck: Arm circles When standing, the arms are swung forward in parallel circles. This should be repeated about 15-20 times with adequate force. Take a short break (10 sec.).

Now the arms are swung back in a parallel circular motion. Here too, 15-20 repetitions are sufficient. Take a short break again.

To intensify the exercise and to train the coordination skills, the arms are moved in opposite directions in the last step. One arm swings forward, the other arm swings backward. Depending on your endurance you can extend the exercise for the neck over the number of sets.

2nd exercise neck: Apple Picking This exercise for the neck is also very suitable as a warm-up exercise, because by closing the hand to the fist the blood circulation (muscle vein pump) is stimulated. While lying down, sitting or standing, the arms are alternately stretched upwards and, like picking apples, you reach for the ceiling and close your hand to your fist. Then the arm sinks again and the other arm goes towards the ceiling and “picks an apple”.

To round off this neck exercise, you should also “pick apples” towards the floor, in front of the body and to the side. Repeat 15-20 times in each direction, then switch to another direction and start again. A very good exercise to loosen the muscles between neck and shoulders is the so-called “shoulder circling”, because especially the musculus trapezius and the levator scapulae are mobilized.

3rd Exercise Neck: Shoulder circling In sitting or standing position, the shoulders are rotated parallel to the front. Here 10-15 repetitions should be performed. Take a short break.

(5 sec.). Now change direction and circle the shoulders backwards. Take a short break.

(5 sec.). The number of sets is up to you, depending on your condition, it can be varied. 4th Exercise Neck: Head Circle Among the classic exercises for the neck is the “head circle”; as in the previous exercise, the scapulae levator muscle and the trapezius are mobilized.

Here only punctum fixum and punctum mobile (fixed body section and mobile body section) are interchanged. While sitting or standing, let the head rotate. Important for this neck exercise is an adapted, rather slow movement in order to be able to estimate your own range of motion.

With this neck exercise often only a few repetitions are sufficient to achieve an effect. 5th exercise neck: dorsal stretching medial To stretch the muscles at the back (dorsal) of the neck correctly, it requires a combination of different directions of movement of the head, because the muscles (especially the smaller muscles) run from their fiber structure in different directions. In the upright position, take the left hand, make it a fist and place it on the sternum.

With the chest “swollen with pride”, tilt the head forward until the chin rests on the fist. Now grab the upper back of the head with your right hand and carefully push the head further into flexion. Hold this position for about 10 seconds – then release and repeat.

The left hand (fist) is important for these neck exercises, as it serves as a hypomochlion (a kind of redirection/reinforcement). 6th Exercise Neck: “dorsal stretching” lateral The small muscles at the back of the neck can only be stretched properly if the head is rotated during the exercises for the neck. In the upright position, bend the head forward, tilt the head to the left side and rotate the head to the right.

(right muscles are stretched). Hold this position for about 10 seconds. In the upright position bend your head forward, tilt your head to the right and turn your head to the left.

(left lying muscles are stretched). Hold this position for about 10 seconds. For all exercises the rule is to stop at so-called “red-flags” (warning signs) and consult a doctor or therapist. Dizziness or impaired vision during the exercise stabbing pain, feeling of electricity For further exercises and information please refer to the articles

  • Neck pain – help from physiotherapy
  • Exercises against neck pain
  • What is the best way to relax the cervical spine?
  • What is the best way to stretch the cervical spine?
  1. Dizziness or visual disturbances during the exercise
  2. Stabbing pain, electric current feeling
  3. Numbness, sensitive disorders